TAMU GEOG 203 - Review of quiz material and Cyclones and anticyclones
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GEOG 203 1nd Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Introduction to atmospheric and oceanic circulation II Linking temperature pressure and wind a Pressure gradient force b Coriolis force c Friction Outline of Current Lecture I Review for in class quiz II Forces that cause atmospheric motion a Friction III Cyclones and anticyclones Current Lecture Review for quiz Insolation reflected has no effect on temperature Isobars should never cross each other The sky is blue because blue light gets scattered in the atmosphere more than any other color Insolation that is absorbed by the earth s surface is transferred through o Convection o Evaporation o Evapotranspiration o Greenhouse effect Results in net loss of radiation in atmosphere Greatest difference in temperature from winter to summer would be in a big continent far from the equator These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Lease seasonal difference in temperature would be the one closest to the equator Average January temperatures would be lowest in northern hemisphere centralized in a large continent Average July temperatures are lowest in high latitudes and in continental climate closer to the ocean If clouds were black the earth s climate would be warmer because albedo would be lower Forces that cause atmospheric motion Friction o Slows down wind speed o When wind speed slows down coriolis effect is diminished results in the wind still being deflected but at a less steep angle Cyclones and anticyclones Spin in counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere Spin clockwise in southern hemisphere Anticyclone wind blows away from the high pressure in all direction o Coriolis effect makes anticyclones blow in their clockwise fashion Cyclone wind blows toward the low pressure from all directions Coriolis effect makes cyclones blow in their counterclockwise fashion Hurricanes cannot cross the equator o Coriolis effect is nonexistent at the equator

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