Atmospheric Sciences 101 Homework 4 Due November 18 2003 Name Section 1 A blackbody warms from 250 K to 300 K and the amount of radiation it emits changes What is the ratio of the amount of radiation emitted at these two temperatures radiation at 300K radiation at 250K 2 of If the Jupiter s upper cloud deck has a temperature of 173 K and the temperature Mercury s surface is 533 K what is the wavelength of peak emission for each body To what part of the electromagnetic spectrum does each of these two wavelengths belong 3 An object of mass 2 kg is being accelerated from rest at an acceleration of 5 m s2 What is its new speed 30 minutes later if the acceleration is always along the direction of motion 4 If mankind added some gas to the atmosphere that got rid of the IR window between 8 and 12 microns how would the earth s climate change 5 Suppose the rate of rotation of the Earth was increased What effect would this have on the Coriolis force and the strength of the geostrophic wind
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