UCLA ENGL 10A - Week 2, Lecture 5--Beowulf

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English 10A Week 2 Lecture 5 01 24 2012 Word about the Essay Question Weekly Responses Ideas should be responsive to specifics of the texts rather than generalities Level of detail is the foundation of bigger thoughts on the text ex focusing on the I s in poems and their significance specific build from that text rather than water as a symbol too general Don t focus on character flaws because the only one that exists is the one on the page Grendel p 48 Exclusion hearing sounds and being on the outside isolated man versus God damned Demon and yet recognizably human by his human reactions to exclusion loneliness Moments of pathos as a man How do we react to this character Contextualizing the character by lineage history he gets that genealogical narrative of lineage just like Beowulf Feuds Boasts Ln 134 146 Language of exchange feuds explain these exchanges o Suggests that something about the hall irritates Grendel Danes unable to do anything but exchange themselves to appease Grendel Ln 259 Beowulf s exterior glory reflects his interior glory and capability Ln 410 and 431 Beowulf demonstrates arrogance vs bravery heroism vs petulance o Comes in an claims he can kill Grendel and without a sword Ln 457 humiliation of kingdom Opens up a new theme the problem of past stories resurfacing Beowulf s failed swimming contest Ln 567 Idea that individual act of heroism has a greater social impact Turns to wider social benefit Ln 757 Unferth Beowulf Grendel relationship boasting claims help Beowulf and Grendel except that it s an individual benefit this time rather than a social benefit which was his point before p 56 or 57 Entirely remedied what is entirely Can boasts feuds ever really end Is there just a recontinuning of these feuds or can they ever really be fixed Exchanges Ln 835 Beowulf ripping off Grendel s arm symbol of partiality and also of repairing damage done to Hrothgar s hall Ln 1258 Grendel s mother takes back arm and beloved advisor o Renewal of exchange feud sorrow 1323 o Eye for eye no complete resolution o At this time Beowulf isn t thinking about the social good Vengeance for sorrow It is always better to avenge then to continue feud violence destruction Ln 1442 Beowulf exchanges again vengeance for sorrow Mother Head for an arm Fair trade Ln 1669 Are the grisly exchanges lining measuring up Idea of closure to these feuds aren t able to be made and yet Beowulf continues to make them Feud between Beowulf Dragon Thief s escape from suffering ends up causing suffering Safety security sought and violence destruction brought Ln 2510 Beowulf s final boast his responsibility is to his kingom that he is now in charge of except that his boast is implying that he s still an individual with no responsibilities as if no time has passed Ln 2595 12 companions plus thief Exchange of life for life Ln 2632 Cowardice repaid with riches therefore exchange has failed Not successful for Beowulf Ln 2663 2690 Apparently fame isn t working anymore feuds with people history rather than with objects Treasure sits untouched unexchangeable Ln 2725 Beowulf dies lived for fame glory at the expense of his nonexistent heir no one able to live out his legacy therefore ultimately his fame and glory was for personal gain rather than social benefit o This trade he s made ends up killing his people Trade of his personal heroism fulfilling his boast for his people s future suffering Ln 3137 Dragon was beginning of problems Wants to be best hero rather than best king 01 24 2012 01 24 2012

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UCLA ENGL 10A - Week 2, Lecture 5--Beowulf

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