UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MARSHALL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS BUAD 304 LEADING ORGANIZATIONS FALL 2006 Instructor Class time Office Office hours Office phone Office fax e mail Robert B Turrill PhD Tu Th 8 00 to 9 50 am Bridge Hall 308C M W 11 00 to noon and by appointment 213 740 0732 213 740 3582 robert turrill marshall usc edu Required text ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Stephen P Robbins Pearson Prentice Hall 12th ed 2007 Introduction This course is about understanding people at work within a formal organizational context with the intent of increasing personal and organizational effectiveness It is about individual contributions to organizational effectiveness and about leadership within an organization It is about managing designing problem solving and implementing courses of action to achieve organizational goals This is the first course in managing organizations and becoming more effective individually within a work environment This course is appropriate for careers in both for profit and not forprofit organizations Course Objectives 1 To understand the nature of leadership within an organization and its importance in being successful both in running an organization and to develop one s leadership capabilities 2 To understand individual interpersonal group and organizational dynamics that lead to effective outcomes in organizations 3 To understand the nature of formal organizations as social systems their design culture and needs for change 4 To understand the need for collaborative behavior and how to design and develop effective teams and develop interpersonal competence 5 To identify and develop critical skills and values to be effective both as a collaborator and a leader within an organization and team and to understand how to approach and resolve ethical dilemmas Course Format We will use a variety of learning activities including lecture discussion case analyses group activities communication and decision exercises selfassessment and other learning methods to enhance both knowledge and skill building We will engage in several experiential activities in the Experiential Learning Center BUAD 304 Course Syllabus p 2 ELC in the basement of Bridge Hall You will be a member in a small learning team 4 5 members for some of the assignments and class activities The focus in these teams will be 1 to achieve project outcomes and 2 to learn how to develop effective teams for future courses and for your future career Course Outline and Assignments In addition to weekly reading assignments in the text there will be weekly assignments of self assessments and short cases that will be discussed in class There will be additional assignments made as we progress through the semester Some of the dates may change based on the progress of the class but we will move quickly through the material and learning activities At the end of the chapters read the ethical dilemma and the case and do any SAL instruments as suggested Week Date 1 Aug 22 24 2 Aug 29 31 3 Sep 5 7 4 Sep 12 14 5 Sep 19 21 6 Sep 26 28 7 Oct 3 5 Topic Assignments Introduction to the course Organizational behavior and the role of managers and leaders Read Ch 1 Individual differences at work Read Ch 2 Attitudes and job satisfaction Read Ch 3 Meet in the ELC Personality and values Read Ch 4 Perception and decision making Read Ch 5 Meet in the ELC Approaches to work motivation Read Ch 6 Motivation applications Read Ch 7 Understanding emotions at work Read Ch 8 Meet in the ELC Mid term exam I Chs 1 8 Meet in the ELC BUAD 304 Course Syllabus p 3 8 Oct 10 12 9 Oct 17 Group behavior Read Ch 9 Developing high performance teams Read Ch 10 Interpersonal communication Read Ch 11 19 Meet in the ELC 10 Oct 24 Meet in the ELC 26 Approaches to leadership 11 Oct 31 Transformational leadership Nov 2 Power politics and conflict Read Ch 12 Read Ch 13 Read Chs 14 15 12 Nov 7 Mid term exam II Chs 9 15 9 Organizational structure 13 Nov 14 Organizational culture 16 Human resources management 14 Nov 21 Organizational change 23 Thanksgiving holiday 15 Nov 28 Team project presentations 30 Team project presentations Course evaluation Dec 1 Written team projects due 12 Exam III Chs 16 19 4 30 to 6 30 pm Read Ch 16 Read Ch 17 Read Ch 18 Read Ch 19 BUAD 304 Course Syllabus p 4 Course Requirements and Evaluation Exams Three individual closed book content exams non cumulative 15 each Team projects and presentations Individual assignments Preparation participation attendance 45 25 20 10 Each graded assignment will be evaluated on a 10 point scale where 9 10 is an excellent exam project case analysis or interview write up Following the grading policy of the Marshall School this course will have a grade point average that is no more than 2 85 Make up exams will not be scheduled unless there is a confirmed emergency or illness This is also true for written assignments There is no method for making up a missed ELC activity Course requirements are designed to keep you prepared and involved in the daily content and case discussions and other activities of the class Your attendance preparation and participation are essential to contribute to the success of the course for all students Attendance will be recorded each day and you are expected to be here for the entire class Excessive absences more than three will negatively affect your final grade in the course by reducing your course grade by one third for each absence over three e g from a B to a B Course information announcements and assignments will be posted weekly on BlackBoard www totale usc edu under BUAD 304 section 14715 Academic Integrity The use of unauthorized material plagiarism communication with fellow students during an examination attempting to benefit from the work of another student and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work is unacceptable to the University Where a clear violation has occurred the student s work may be disqualified as unacceptable and assigned a failing mark Academic integrity policies the description of prohibited behavior and the appropriate sanctions are described in the 2006 2007 SCAMPUS Guidebook for Students If there are any questions concerning any of the assignments please ask the instructor in advance of the assignment due date Return of Graded Paperwork Returned paperwork unclaimed by a student will be discarded after four weeks and therefore will not be available should a grade appeal be pursued by a student following receipt of his her
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