UGA CHEM 1212 - final study guide

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Study Guide CHEM 1212 Final Exam 1 Strength of intermolecular force found in a liquid and in a solid 2 Using phase diagram determine the temperature and pressure that are consistent with the substance being in the gas solid and liquid phases 3 Acknowledge the colligative properties melting boiling vapor pressure and osmosis pressure 4 Calculation of molality 5 Relationship of freezing points with the molarity 6 Determine the concentration of the ions within an ionic compound if its molarity is given 7 Applying the Like dissolve Like concept 8 Relationship of freezing points with the molar mass 9 Calculation of the heat evolved from a chemical reaction if the masses of reactants are known 10 Differentiate between exo and endothermic chemical reactions 11 Calculation of the total Horxn if Ho of reactants and products are known 12 Rate of reaction calculation and calculation of rate constant when time and concentrations are given 13 Relationship of activation energy and rate of reaction 14 Initial Rate method calculations 15 Calculations of equilibrium constant if number of moles or concentrations of the reactants are given 16 Le Chatelier s Principle and the shift of the chemical equilibrium left right or no shift 17 Calculations of equilibrium constants of gases Kp 18 Standard free energy calculations with given K values 19 Relationship between H and S and G in case of spontaneous and none spontaneous chemical reactions 20 Calculations of nonstandard free energy if the pressures of gases are known in a chemical equilibrium reaction 21 Acknowledge negative Ssys and G negative positive and zero cases 22 Determination of the pH of the titration of an acid with a base with a given Ka 23 Determination of the pH of a strong acid and strong base 24 Determination of the pH of a weak acid and weak base 25 Determination of the pH of a buffer solution 26 Calculation of Kb and Ka with a given pH 27 Calculations of the concentrations of OH and H with given pH 28 Acknowledge the Buffer formation 29 Calculation of Ksp if the molar solubility is known 30 Calculation of molar solubility if Ksp is known 31 Lowest molar solubility among different compounds 32 Balancing redox oxidation reduction reaction 33 Writing up redox chemical equation galvanic cell 34 Calculation of reduction potentials 35 Acknowledge the half reaction that occurs at the anode and cathode for the reaction 36 Calculation of the standard cell potential for the reaction with a given reduction potentials 37 Calculation of the nonstandard cell potential for the reaction when the molarities of oxidized and reduced species are given

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UGA CHEM 1212 - final study guide

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