UGA CBIO 2200 - Chapter03 practice test

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chapter 03 True False Questions 1 The most important advantage of transmission electron microscope TEM over light microscope LM is its higher resolution True False 2 If a cell doubled in diameter it would have twice as much cytoplasm to maintain True False 3 In the plasma membrane glycolipids and glycoproteins face toward the cytoplasm while peripheral proteins always face toward the ECF True False 4 A cell s second messengers serve to transport material through the plasma membrane True False 5 Microvilli and cilia differ in their function but have the same internal structure True False 6 Ligand gated channels are membrane proteins that open or close in response to the binding of a chemical True False 7 The greater the concentration gradient the faster the diffusion rate True False 8 The Na K ATPase is a countertransport antiport carrier which always requires energy True False 9 The sodium glucose transport protein SGLT is one example of an active transport process involving a uniport carrier True False 10 One example of pinocytosis is the uptake of low density lipoproteins LDLs by endothelial cells True False 11 Both the nucleus and the mitochondrion are surrounded by two layers of unit membrane True False 12 The nucleus is the largest organelle in most cells True False 13 Ribosomes are made of proteins and RNA True False 14 The Golgi complex makes peroxisomes but not lysosomes True False 15 A crystal of calcium phosphate in the cytoplasm of a cell should be classified as an inclusion True False Multiple Choice Questions 16 All of the generalizations below constitute the modern cell theory except A an organism s structure and all of its functions are ultimately due to the activities of its cells B all cells come only from preexisting cells C all cells occupy space D all organisms are composed of cells and cell products E the cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life 17 cells are thick in the middle and tapered toward the end A Squamous B Stellate C Columnar D Spheroid E Fusiform 18 Most human cells range from 10 to 15 micrometers in diameter What limits how large a cell can be A a cell s lifespan B nutrients available in the environment of a cell C the relationship between its volume and length D the relationship between its length and surface area E the relationship between its volume and surface area 19 The fluid outside of a cell is called A cytosol B intracellular fluid C extracellular fluid D cytoplasm E nucleoplasm 20 The flat shaped cells found covering the skin are A cuboidal B columnar C cylindrical D squamous E spherical 21 Although the transmission electron microscope TEM can magnify much more than a light microscope even at identical magnifications the TEM has the advantage of A being able to produce photographs of the specimen B being able to work in a vacuum C being able to show individual molecules D producing higher resolution E working better with thinner tissue specimens 22 are the most abundant molecules in the plasma membrane A Glycolipids B Phospholipids C Prostaglandins D Proteins E Cholesterol molecules 23 are membrane proteins that bind to signals by which cells communicate A Receptors B Enzymes C Carriers D Cell identity markers E Cell adhesion molecules 24 A receptor protein in the plasma membrane will not bind to just any chemical in the extracellular fluid but only to certain ones That is to say the receptor exhibits A selectivity B specificity C efficacy D saturation E fidelity 25 In its second messenger role cAMP activates enzymes called whose job is to regulate other enzymes by adding phosphate groups to them A transmembrane proteins B peripheral proteins C kinases D glycocalyx E blockers 26 Transmembrane proteins that make up enzymes in the plasma membrane are made up of hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions Most amino acids embedded in the membrane are while most amino acids facing the extracellular fluid are A hydrophilic hydrophilic B hydrophilic hydrophobic C hydrophobic hydrophobic D hydrophobic hydrophilic E lipophilic lipophobic 27 Gates respond to all these stimuli except A chemical messengers B ligands C changes in electrical potential voltage across the plasma membrane D physical deformation of the plasma membrane E water in the extracellular fluid 28 act like identification tags in the glycocalyx that enable the body to distinguish its own cells from foreign and diseased cells A Glycoproteins B Lipoproteins C Cholesterol molecules D Phospholipids E Cell adhesion molecules 29 provide motility to a cell act as sensory antenna in many cells and increase a cell s surface area A Cilia microvilli flagella B Microvilli cilia flagella C Microvilli flagella cilia D Flagella microvilli cilia E Flagella cilia microvilli 30 Cells lining the small intestine are specialized for absorption of nutrients Their plasma membrane has A flagella B cilia C microvilli D a glycocalyx E dynein arms 31 This figure shows the plasma membrane What does A represent A a peripheral protein B a channel protein C a glycoprotein D cholesterol E a phospholipid 32 This figure shows the plasma membrane What does C represent A a peripheral protein B a channel protein C a glycoprotein D cholesterol E a phospholipid 33 This figure shows the plasma membrane What does D represent A a peripheral protein B a channel protein C a glycoprotein D a phospholipid E cholesterol 34 consume ATP when transferring solutes from one side to the other side of the plasma membrane A Receptors B Pumps C Cell adhesion molecules D Channels E Cell identity markers 35 Two solutions are separated by a selectively permeable membrane If solution A has a higher concentration of a nonpermeating solute than solution B then A the solute will pass down its concentration gradient from solution A to B B the solute will pass down its concentration gradient from solution B to A C water will pass down its concentration gradient from solution A to B D water will pass down its concentration gradient from solution B to A E neither the solute nor water will diffuse 36 is the process in which forces water and small solutes such as salts through narrow clefts between capillary cells A Filtration hydrostatic pressure B Osmosis hydrostatic pressure C Active transport osmotic pressure D Active transport hydrostatic pressure E Osmosis osmotic pressure 37 Water flows through a selectively permeable membrane in a process called but water molecules cross the membrane more easily through channels of transmembrane

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