KIN 3304 1nd Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Death in Circulation II III Motor Units Skeletal Muscle Contracts when its MR are stimulated IV V All of None Principle Rotating MU Recruitment Lessens Fatigue in Muscles VI Muscle Tone VII Muscle Hypertrophy VIII How does Hypertrophy Occur Outline of Current Lecture I II DOMS Why does one get DOMS III Atrophy IV What We Really Have V Isotonic Isometric Eccentric Contraction VI Velocity of Contraction VII Sensory Feedback VIII Muscle Spindle Apparatus IX Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex X Golgi Tendon Organ Reflex These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Current Lecture I DOMS Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness a Begins hours after training event i Peaks sometimes days later b Highest following eccentric muscle actions i Note to Lowder Grand Canyon 1 You see when people go hiking c Probably NOT due to lactic acid II Why does one get DOMS a Small Tears i Muscle fiber may have damaged membranes ii Damaged sarcolemma may leak enzymes chemicals that stimulate local pain receptors b Muscle spasm in affected muscle i Stretching after training may help c Tears in CT framework III Atrophy a Occurs during disease i Little no motor stimulation ii Loss of tone mass iii Fibers become smaller weaker b Even a temp reduction in usage i Injuries casting etc ii Initially reversible iii Physical Therapy ASAP What We Really Have a Psycho neuro musculo skeletal System IV V VI Isotonic Isometric Eccentric Contraction a During isotonic muscle action force remains constant throughout shortening process b During isometric muscle action exerted force doesn t cause load to move and lengthening of fibers remain constant c During eccentric muscle action lead is greater than exerted force and fibers lengthen i A lot of muscle damage done here d Concentric shortening of a muscle Velocity of Contraction a For muscles to shorten must generate force greater than load b Lighter load faster action and vice versa c GRAPH VII Sensory Feedback a To control skeletal muscle nervous system must receive continuous sensory feedback i Info On tension from Golgi Tendon Organs ii Length of muscle from Muscle Spindle Apparatus VIII Muscle Spindle Apparatus a Modified thin muscle cells b Parallel with extrafusal fibers i Insert into tendons at each end of muscle ii Sense changes in length reflex muscle action when stimulated IX Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex a Consists of 1 synapse within CNS b Striking patellar ligament passively stretches X Golgi Tendon Organ Reflex a Involves 2 synapses in SNC b Prevents excessive muscle contraction or passive muscle stretching
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