UT Arlington MANA 4325 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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MANA 4325 1nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 6 Lecture 1 August 25 Introduction to Leadership What are the characteristics of a leader It is a reciprocal process which means that it is a give and take relationship It s an influencing relationship by not telling them no but giving input and helping them It is a process of building new leaders by empowering them It is a people activity not a paperwork process What is management Management is controlling people or things Mangers tell and leaders ask Mangers care about the bottom line Leadership is about change All Leaders must know management but not all managers are leaders Lecture 2 August 27 What are the differences between Leadership and Management Leadership Looks for change and creates shared cultures They look at differences and builds relationships They make emotional connections and are willing to take in new ideas Leadership establishes a direction and aligns people A leader also energizes people to accomplish results and empower others Management They set boundaries and focuses of objective and production rather than people Management follows Henry Fayol s principles of Planning Organizing Directing and Controlling What is the definition of Leadership Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes Leadership involves intentions which is vision or to improve something It also involves personal responsibility and integrity It also involves change shared purpose followers and influence Management and vision are headed in two different directions while Leaders vision is a picture of an ambitious desirable future for the organization or team the Manager s direction is to attain organizational goals through controlling and directing resources The new reality of Leadership The OLD paradigm is based on stability control competition uniformity self centered and being the hero The NEW paradigm is based on change or crisis management empowerment collaboration diversity higher ethical purpose and being humble What do people want in a leader They want integrity job knowledge and people building skills What are the eight key areas of leadership They are the leadership equation always changing the power of vision importance in ethics respect and building trust understanding people and their diversity developing others communication and empowerment Father of Leadership is Jack Welch THE FOUR STEPS in becoming a leader are building relationships building trust empowerment and engagement The theories of leadership are great man traits and behavioral contingency and influence and relationship engagement Lecture 3 August 29 Traits Behaviors and Relationships Traits are the distinguishing characteristics of a leader like intelligence self confidence and appearance Great Man Approach is a leadership perspective that sought to identify the inherited traits leaders possess and others who are not leaders This was the approach from the beginning of man till the industrial revolution The original six most effective traits for leaders are intelligence self confidence need for achievement supervisory ability decisiveness and initiative We are now a Knowledge Society The Behavior Approaches includes Autocratic a leader who tends to centralize authority and derive power from position control of rewards and coercion Management Democratic a leader who delegate authority to others encourage participation relies of subordinates knowledge for completion of tasks and their respect for influence Leadership Leadership Continuum On one end is boss centered Leadership use of authority by managers and on the other is subordinate centered leadership areas of freedom for subordinates When would autocratic style of leadership be needed During times of crisis University Studies on Autocratic and Democratic Styles of Leadership Ohio State Studies showed two styles Consideration which is similar to Democratic is the extent to which leaders are sensitive to subordinates and Initiating Structure which is similar to Autocratic is the extent to which a leader is task orientated University of Michigan Studies showed two styles as well The employee centered like Democratic and consideration is focused on people and Job centered like autocratic and initiating structure is focused on production Lecture 4 September 3 University of Texas at Austin created the Leadership Grid there are 5 sections in the grid The Impoverished Management has no training and leadership skills but has the job The authority compliance Management is an autocratic leader The Country club management is focused on the people and not at all on the job The Middle of the Road Management is all over the place and the Team Management is a Democratic leader GAP there is a difference b n how I look at something and how you look at something You must know facts and figures Stages of development of individualized leadership 1 Vertical Dyad Linkage eliminates the in groups and out groups Dyad is a convocation b n 2 people and each dyad is different 2 Leaders members exchange each dyad involves a unique exchange independent of other dyads Leaders and members communicate frequently It sets the job climate like setting boundaries Creates job satisfaction and give a commitment and setting a value agreement 3 Partnership building build positive relationships with all use open communications 4 Systems and Networks dyads horizontally as well as vertically Jobs grow Breath Depth responsibility grows change in compensation Rated from 1 5 to get a 3 you did exactly what you were supposed to do in your job to get a 4 you must go above and beyond what is required for the job and to get a 5 you must change the definition of the job make it better Lecture 5 September 5 Contingency Approaches Approaches that seek to delineate the characteristics of situations and followers and examine the leadership styles that can be used effectively The answer depends on leader follower and situation variables Leaders skills will differ and situations will differ in each case The leader followers and the situation must match for true leadership to take place Leader Behavior and Four leader styles High task low relationship High task high relationship Low task Low relationship High relationship low task Lecture 6 September 8 Qualities that influence a leader are vision ability to understand people and creativity enthusiasm and vitality stability

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