Purdue STAT 30100 - Lecture notes

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Lecture 5 WED SEPT 10 2008 Examples of calculations using the Normal Distribution Using Table A the Standard Normal Distribution Determine the proportion of the area below the z value listed z 0 z 67 z 1 z 2 z 3 z 1 z 2 z 3 Determine the proportion of the area above the z value listed z 1 z 2 z 3 z 1 z 2 z 3 Determine the proportion of the area between the z values listed Z 1 23 and z 2 08 Z 2 78 and z 0 67 Z 67 and z 67 Determine the z value for a given area Area 3520 Area 0104 Area 2514 Area 2483 Area 75 Area 90 Percentiles and quartiles Examples when starting with X and standardizing to get Z X N 504 111 What proportion of X values would be below 400 What proportion are between 400 and 600 What proportion are above 600 Going from Area to Z to X Find the first quartile for X Find the third quartile for X Find the 90th percentile for X Standardizing two variables to compare them Bob got a grade of 87 in a class whose mean grade was 75 and whose std dev was 15 Dave got a grade of 82 in a class whose mean grade was 60 and whose std dev was 20 Standardize both grades and find out who has the higher standing in his class NORMAL TEMPLATE to be used in Lab 3 Enter Z values with 2 decimal place accuracy in the boxes Use Z 5 for one of the Z values if you are working on a Less than xxx problem Use Z 5 for one of the Z values if you are working on a Greater than xxx problem

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