UMass Amherst KIN 355 - Research Paper- Assignment #2

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Newbury Victoria Kin355 Discussion Section 4 Date Submitted October 1st 2013 Research Paper Assignment 2 Title How does consuming coconut water affect performance and rehydration following intense physical activity in the heat in comparison to carbohydrate electrolyte beverages and water Introduction background limitations contribution Contribution Coconut water has the same effects on intense physical performance as carbohydrate electrolyte beverages and water These effects are due to the hydration abilities of coconut water It s chemical properties such as sodium potassium chloride carbohydrates and other nutrients are essential to proper hydration Background Information why we care why now what s previously known definitions for the reader o Why we care For athletes and coaches important comparison of Coconut water provides similar benefits as compared to typical sport drinks in terms of exercise performance as measured based on treadmill time to exhaustion in addition to measures of hydration Serious athletes are recommended to drink carbohydrate electrolyte beverages o These are scientific recommendations o For aerobic athletes in particular maintaining hydration o vital for athletes o impact exercise performance o vigorous training carbohydrates electrolytes nutrients Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 factors influencing o Team doctors coaches athletes Aware of factors that influence rehydration Known electrolyte content of available drinks Amount of electrolytes lost is variable Sweat composition variable Varies with time during exercise Varies with acclimation Moderate sodium intake is okay for health No renal issues Fluid intake is in excess of sweat loss Many people have concerns o Restrict dietary salt intake Athletes with large sweat loss Sodium loss high 2 3 hours of training 15 g of sodium chloride Diet has a big impact High risk of salt deficit when losses are high unless a conscious effort it make o World Health Organization Acute diarrhea treatment Sodium content 60 90 mmol l Many sports drinks are low Soft drinks unsuitable Negative effect on taste o Why now Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 Coconut water is gaining attention It is natural in comparison to manufactured beverages Has indicating efficacy in maintaining hydration o What s previously known fluid losses during strenuous long duration exercise is common thermal stress o definition impaired cognition impaired cardiovascular function accelerated fatigue impaired exercise performance fluid intake before during and following exercise losses often high in hot and humid environmental conditions coconut water sugar potassium sodium chloride varies on species natural alternative no fructose maltodextrin artificial flavors sweetenrs added electrolytes sodium potassium not manufactured rich in sodium chloride carbohydrate intravenously used occasionally antioxidant properties o neutralizing reactive oxygen species production from long duration exercise similar effects as carb elec bevs Previous knowledge Dehydration Body doesn t have as much water and fluids as it should Can be mild moderate severe based on how much is lost or not replenished Severe can be life threatening Causes incidences and risk factors o Cause Lose too much fluid Excessive sweating Excessive urine output Fever Vomiting Diarrhea Not drinking enough water fluids both Loss of appetite illness Nausea Sore throat Mouth sores Symptoms o Dry sticky mouth o Lethargy coma severe o Low urine output none o No tears o Sunken eyes o Sunken fontanelles of infant soft spot on head Signs and tests o Blood pressure drops when you go lying standing o Delayed capillary refill o Low bp o Poor skin turgor o Rapid hr o Shock o Tests Blood chemistries Electrolytes Sodium Potassium Bicarbonate levels Blood urea nitrogen BUN Complete blood count Creatinine Urine specific gravity Treatment o Drinking fluids Often don t force large amounts brings on vomit Electrolyte solutions Freezer pops Sports drinks bad lots of sugar Worsen diarrhea Intravenous fluids Expectations prognosis o When found quickly treated outcome is good Complications o Death o Permanent brain damage o Seizures Call for help if o Blood in stool vomit o Diarrhea in infants less then 2 months o Dry mouth eyes o Dry skin o Fast hr o Listlessness inactiveness o No urine output 8 hours o No tears Prevention o Drink plenty of fluids everyday o Drink more when its hot you re exercising o Monitor people who are ill Encourage them to drink fluids Limitations o Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 Other studies focused exclusively on hydration measures as primary outcome variables following a period of dehydrating exercise and consumption of the assigned beverage while not emphasizing actual exercise performance during the rehydrating period Competing interests Financial support for comparison of coconut water study came from VitaCoco Company Contribution Results and Discussions subheadings Fluid retention o Based on body mass when expressed as change from predehydrating exercise at 3 hours post dehydrating exercise coconut w from con 52 sports drink 40 water 35 coconut w 40 not statistically significant between coconut water and sports drink Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 rehydration no difference between three trials Physical performance o Treadmill performance No significant difference in exercise time for Young exercise trained healthy men Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 o No differences in Heart rate or blood pressure Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 o Exercise induced dehydration rehydration after Plasma osmolality o Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 no major differences rehydration no difference between three trials Urine specific gravity Urine volume o Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 no major differences o no differences for urine volume between coco and sports drinks both better than plain water o rehydration urine osmolality lowest with water Blood volume o rehydration after exercise with fresh young coconut water Blood volume restoration slightly greater for coconut water Results not statistically different from the other 2 bevs Palatability o Stomach upset likely due to consumption of high volume of fluid 2 liters in short period of time 60 mins Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 o Bloated from coconut water Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 o rehydration after sweeter less nausea more fullness no stomach upset depends on personal taste preferences comparison easier to

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