UMass Amherst KIN 355 - Research Paper Outline

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Victoria Newbury 9 26 13 Kin 355 Disc 4 Research Paper Outline Topic Are coconut products a better more natural way to hydrate during exercise at rest and in emergency situations How do they compare to water and carbohydrateelectrolyte beverages Intense physical activity causes o Loss of body fluids dehydration Sweat Urine Loss of body weight Loss of nutrients Effects Dry mouth Sunken eyes Lethargy No tears Low bp o Sodium content Difficult to come by enough sodium in beverages ruins taste Body loses lots of sodium during exercise Sodium content of Gatorade vs vitacoco none in water dasani o Body needs water fluids Remove waste products Produce ATP Important for temp control o Body needs nutrients Potassium Sodium Calcium Chloride Make up of coconut water o Nutritional facts o Natural o Poor countries with limited access to supplies Intravenous coconut water Emergency situations that require immediate hydration Flavor preference o Do people enjoy coconut water Price o More expensive o Not affordable for most people At rest o Not losing much fluid nutrients o Coconut water may not be needed as much Natural benefit o Better than Gatorade because it is natural o More healthy o No artificial chemicals o what

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