UMass Amherst KIN 355 - kin 355 research paper assignment 3

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Newbury 1 Newbury Victoria Kin 355 Discussion Section 4 Date Submitted 10 29 13 Title Effects of level of hydration on performance during physical activity with choice of different beverages Introduction Contribution Level of hydration largely impacts performance during physical activity making beverage choice very significant Maughan Leiper Shirrefs 1997 Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 The main components of hydration affecting performance are electrolytes carbohydrates and fluid retention Shirreffs Sawka 2011 Park Bae Lee Kim 2012 Some common beverages consumed during physical activity include water carbohydrateelectrolyte beverages and coconut water Kalman et al 2012 A less common beverage that is a strong hydrator is chicken noodle soup Johannsen et al 2013 Choice of beverage is impacted by content palatability and availability Figure 1 Contribution visual This visual shows how performance during physical activity is affected by level of hydration Level of hydration is impacted by beverage choice Citation Kalman 2012 Johannsen 2013 Maughan 1997 Shirreffs 2011 Park 2012 Maintaining an appropriate level of hydration during physical activity in order to maintain optimal performance is a prevalent problem in today s society Maughan 2012 With so many beverages to choose from it can be hard to know which is the best choice for hydration Which beverages hydrate most efficiently in order to have optimal performance during physical activity Maughan Shirreffs 2012 Newbury 2 During physical activity the body becomes dehydrated due to sweating and respiration causing dehydration Hyperhydration is also an issue during physical activity it occurs when athletes consume too much fluid and overhydrate themselves Competitive athletes are interested in this subject because dehydration and hyperhydration have negative impacts on performance so they needs to be resolved in order to continue performing at the same level throughout an entire competition This information would also be useful for noncompetitive athletes coaches doctors and trainers Shirreffs Sawka 2011 It is important to know This problem is relevant now because maintaining hydration during physical activity will help to maintain performance and a healthy lifestyle Maughan Shirreffs 2012 The reader should care about this topic because they are likely to perform physical activity and are therefore required to choose a beverage to hydrate with This article looks at the hydration efficiency of several different beverages as well as their content palatability and availability Campbell Falck 2000 Food Drug Administration 2013 Kalman 2012 Kenefick 2012 Maughan 1997 Saat 2002 Limitations Johannsen s 2013 study on pre physical activity soup ingestion has a limited scope due to the fact that the subjects were only allowed access to a certain amount of water to drink Under normal physical activity conditions subjects would have been able to drink water ad libitum The study also had a small sample size thus limiting the ability to detect differences in plasma osmolality The beverages water and chicken noodle soup were served at different temperatures which could have affected digestion rates The study conducted by Kalman 2012 was limited because it was focused mainly on hydration measures as outcome variables but it did not emphasize actual physical activity performance during the rehydration period This has an impact on this paper as it has a concentration on performance level in association with level of hydration and beverage choice This study was also Newbury 3 conducted with funding from VitaCoco Company which is known for its popular coconut water products This indicates a conflict of interest Physiological mechanisms responsible for performance response were limited to those that help to narrow down the recommendation for fluid and fuel intake during physical activity This cancels out any other sources of fluid and fuels that were detrimental to physical activity Coyle 2004 The article Water hydration and health 2010 was limited due to its omission of the differences in metabolic responses of different types of beverages Different types of beverages were reviewed from other articles so this does not have a very significant impact on this paper Another limit was the omission of the effects of fructose and biomarkers from the article Background Information Dehydration occurs when the body loses fluids and electrolytes through sweating respiration and urine The amount of fluid lost often depends on the intensity of the physical activity gender height and weight Fluids are needed in order to perform metabolic processes Sawka Cheuvront Carter 2005 Some signs of dehydration are dry mouth lethargy low to no urine output no tears and sunken eyes Vorwick Zieve 2011 Dehydration affects psychomotor and visuomotor abilities Psychomotor is the creation of movement in the brain It is negatively affected by dehydration Visuomotor is the coordination between movement and vision This is altered when you are dehydrated Popkin D Anci Rosenberg 2010 The best indicator of dehydration is failure to maintain body mass rather than feelings of thirst Maughan et al 1997 Hypohydration occurs when the body is overhydrated This can have bad effects on the body such as reduced sweating reduced blood flow response increased plasma osmolality and reduced plasma Hypohydration can be treated by eating or by consuming electrolytes Shirreffs Sawka 2011 The Stroop color word test is a cognitive test in which subjects must name the color of a word on a screen This task is somewhat difficult because the words on the screen are the names of colors Johannsen et al 2013 Plasma Newbury 4 osmolality is the measure of the body s electrolyte water balance It is useful in determining the hydration level of the body Levels can either be hypotonic hypertonic or normal Shirreffs Sawka 2011 The most looked at in this paper are carbohydrate electrolyte beverages coconut water water and chicken noodle soup Carbohydrate electrolyte beverages are popular beverages for athletes across the globe They contain artificial flavors and contain carbohydrates and electrolytes which are essential for hydration Kalman et al 2012 Some popular brands include Gatorade Powerade and PowerBar Food Drug Administration 2013 Coconut water is a natural beverage that is gaining popularity as a beverage during physical activity It has indicated efficacy at maintaining hydration and contains carbohydrates and

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