UMass Amherst KIN 355 - 10.17.13 kin 355

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Newbury Victoria 10 17 13 Kin 355 Disc 4 Wed 2 30 Title Comparison of coconut water and carbohydrate electrolyte beverages before during and after physical activity and their effects on performance Conclusion contribution future direction Polished contribution statement Coconut water has similar effects on performance during physical activity and as a hydrator before during and after physical activity as many carbohydrateelectrolyte beverages They are similarly effective due to their nearly identical nutritional compositions Both types of beverages provide electrolytes such as sodium potassium and chloride carbohydrates and trace amounts of other nutrients It is possible that coconut water is more beneficial because it is a natural substance whereas carbohydrate electrolyte beverages are artificial Future direction It would be beneficial to perform tests in which the subjects become more dehydrated before performing physical activity preferably by reducing body mass beyond the 2 mark as well as to perform time trial tests These changes would allow researchers to more accurately determine the effectiveness of hydration and performance enhancement of coconut water and carbohydrate electrolyte beverages Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 Increasing the sodium content of coconut water to equal the amount in a recommended carbohydrate electrolyte beverage would also be beneficial This would test the effectiveness of whole body rehydration after physical activity Saat Singh Sirisinghe Nawawi 2002 Limitations In many studies the main focus was on hydration abilities rather than performance during physical activity This prevents us from comparing effectiveness of coconut water and carbohydrate electrolyte beverages on performance The study performed by Kalaman Felman Krieger and Bloomer in 2012 had a conflict of interest due to the fact that the study was funded by VitaCoco company which is the owner of VitaCoco coconut water Therefore it is possible that the results are slightly off center and other sources are needed to hold up data Kalman Feldman Krieger Bloomer 2012 Visuals Figure 1 Contribution How do coconut water and carbohydrate electrolyte beverages compare as hydrators before during and after physical activity and how do they affect performance Citation Figure 2 Nutritional composition coconut water Vitacoco vs carbohydrateelectrolyte beverage Gatorade Gatorade Orange Sodium Potassium Carbohydrate Vita Coco Coconut Water Sodium Potassium Carbohydrate citation

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