UMass Amherst KIN 355 - 11.5.13 kin 355 class notes

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11 5 13 kin 355 class notes total points 175 today II bring in answers to interview questions on Thursday mock interviews with TA s Michelle PT grad school greatest strength multiple task many activities at once planning time why PT help people generic dif cultures backgrounds age groups what classes to take repeated the question in the answer gives you a few more seconds to think about your answer don t say um PT schools want to know about culture diversity look at the interviewer Kelsey OT grad school Greatest strength prioritizing Going out with friends don t say like try to limit using this word experience city nightlife not good ZooMass don t say this 3 adjectives team player leader tell people what to do easy going easy to get along with don t take things too seriously not a dumb blonde phone was out bad shirt absolute vodka youth immaturity bad body language Matt Medical internship Difficulty overcome shoe wear company rambling people not understanding terminology weakness team situations want to be a leader even when not prepared what has he done to control tendencies questions 1 What would typical day be like 2 Do you know secretary s name

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