UMass Amherst KIN 355 - 10.8.13 kin 355 class notes

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10 8 13 kin 355 class notes todays points II today 75 slides reference slides progression tracks writing mechanics FAQ Parts of speech Punctuation Its important for reader to understand background so they don t get lost Points o Come to class prepared o That s why they have a high score Progression tracks o Topic known old info To the reader o Stress new info helps figure out problems with writing structure o progression have to do with topic stress topic based approach progression around a constant topic o subject is repeated in successive sentences direct indirect progression through partial aspect or sub clauses of main topic o topic is announced at start and end each sentence discusses aspects of the topic daisy chain progression o the stress at the end of one sentence becomes the topic of the next non topic based faulty and paused deliberate ex Summary usually its an oops tho Writing mechanics o FAQ Essential clause Doesn t have commas surrounding it o That Beth is on the team that won first place Non essential Does have commas surrounding it o Which The new cleaning product which appeared in the newspaper is on sale Subject and verb agreement o Separate subject verb ignore the following Along with As well as Besides Not o Portions Look at the object of the preposition Eighty percent of the students are happy Half of the town is voting in the election Sums of money singular verb NO FLUFF BAD Collective nouns o Acting individually plural The team are in disagreement with each other about spring break games o The entire team is on the bus Commas o Series of 3 I need two pencil three folders and a binder o Addressing person Will you Professor Frechette read my paper o Dates locations

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