UMass Amherst KIN 355 - 10.1.13 kin 355 class notes

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10 1 13 kin 355 class notes Discussion 4 last weeks points 54 Today IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII III Attendance sheet Extension and removing previous submission Lebrun Part 2 Part 1 approx 50 slides Process of how to write outline o Contribution o Discussion Subheadings o Conclusion Future direction Contribution o Introduction Background information Why we care Why now What s previously known Title before intro Definition for paper things the reader needs to know Limitations contribution Elements of the visual Process of writing a paper is always the same Visual o Needs to have a title figure 1 title o Need a caption o Citations needed Title o Capitalize the first letter of the first word primary words proper nouns and the letters after o Introduction o Background information if included o Results and discussion o Conclusion o Works cited Paper structure and purpose o Abstracts usually in the past tense concise and accurate briefly discussions implications of the contribution factual and neutral tone new information o conclusion past tense more detailed inspires and expands upon implication of contribution reenergize the reader everything is known no surprises What is the purpose of the title o What your paper is about o Allows reader to find your paper attracts them How do you pick your title o Appropriate contain keywords next slide Key words o If more than 1 equally used synonym o General intermediate specific o Catchy title and acronyms Title tips o Place contribution at the beginning o Represent your article o Verbs Use active verbs if possible o Descriptors include but quantify them o Keep it short Purpose of the abstract o Reader Clarifies title Identifies contribution Helps reader decide if article is relevant Fast information Assess the difficulty of the work o What is the purpose for the writer Allows search engines to find article o Precise detailed contribution Adjectives are in title not the abstract o 4 parts what is the problem topic Method how is the problem solved What are the specific results How well was the problem solved Relevance of results not problem o Past tense present if possible o Passive voice o Usually no visuals o Include if possible and improves quality o include numerical results Abstract not included o No prior work o No adjectives o Do not justify why the problem is important The results are important The question is important in the introduction Title abstract friends o What is their relatioship o How do you develop it Repeat 20 80 of the title words in the first sentence of abstract o Sentence 1 expand upon title Set of questions o Which of the following is active voice and present tense Which of the following is a purpose for subheadings Keywords in title o True Energy bill o Total energy syntactic energy word order flow semantic energy meaning of what you re trying to say o Et E syn E sem Formula Syntax the way words are put together in a sentence Semantic o Connecting the sentences together The following affect how much memory is needed o Acronym o Pronoun o Synonym o Background Local only needed for that section o Broken couples o Amount of words sentence Point at o Someone who has left the room o Person in a distant group o Nothing Synonyms o Confuse readers Specialized terms Background o Global Applies to entire paper o Local o Heading subheading Too many words o Increase understanding by making shorter sentences o Repetition Reduce reading time o Visual information o White space as markers o Trim and discard Decrease repetition Know your audience Understand vocab to use Reduce reading time o Edit opening sections o Create 2 separate papers o Be concise Reasons for length Reader motivation o Appropriate tiel o Meet expectations Grammar content backed by Build the bridge knowledge gap o How much knowledge does reader have o How much new knowledge are you contributing o Assume they read the journal or attend conferences o Reference section

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