UMass Amherst KIN 355 - 9.24.13 Kin 355 class notes

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9 24 13 Kin 355 class notes Today o 89 submitted on time o editing o Lebrun Part 2 approximately 50 slides Start taking notes o Upcoming assignments Editing Why edit o Writing editing revising quality work Techniques tips o Not personal helpful o Edit for 1 thing at a time Content structure 1st Grammar punctuation Topic and supporting sentences Citations o Peer self expert o Read out loud o Create worksheets for yourself others Major concerns Contribution is unclear Guidelines not met Minor concerns Spelling mistakes Questions to be answered confusion Mechanism of injury unclear Best aspects Research is relevant o Take breaks o Don t wait until the last minute like you did last night o Hard copy or on computer o Don t rewrite someone else s work Title o Capitailize first letter of the first word primary words proper nouns and letters after Introduction Background information if included Results and discussion Conclusions Works cited The voice o Who s the subject Hidden subject passive You know who did the action active o Active and passive o Don t confuse the reader o Active voice and present tense I am putting the book on the desk o Active voice and past tense I put the book on the table o Passive present The book is being put on the table o Passive past The book was put on the table Title Active voice o abstract passive voice past tense present if possible o introduction active voice present tense o results discussion passive voice past tense o conclusion passive voice past tense contribution same tense is fine o visuals passive voice past tense o works cited Scientific Writing o A reader and writer s guide Paper structure and purpose part II Headings and sub headings o Break down information o Important for organization o Parallel formatting Bold underline for same subheading or heading o Should al connect to the title o Purpose Easy navigation Locate relevant sections Quickly grasp story Sets expectation of length and detail Reinforces contributions to paper Repetition of key points Divides the paper into information sections that support the contribution Introduction o What does it do Introduces topic of paper plant the seed for everything important No big surprise at the end o o o o o State problem question o Explanation of problem and description of context intellectual honesty Why now Why this Why this way Why should the reader care o State contribution Results and importance of results Is the active or passive voice used Is the past or present tense o Present tense Should you use personal pronouns o No Introduction Mindful of bridges the knowledge gap Answers the why plot Relevant details Authoritative Accurate and numerous references Comparisons are factual Precise language Concise No vacuous beginnings Table of contents paragraphs or excessive detail Visuals General formatting Headings subheadings Paragraph size Charts Tables Picture White and black space Tips Only asks questions it answers Simplest beginning Complex end Give results Importance Simple to complex Chronological Visuals Don t parrot the information Point ot salient information and relationships o o o o Discussion Often combined with conclusion Answers specific questions asked in the introduction Structure what order Importance Chronological Interpret and explain results Relate to other research findings Distinguish between facts and speculation Avoid exaggerated claims Past and passive voice Proven knowledge present Don t end with the short comings Nothing new Our paper contribution and future direction 2 paragraphs maximum Purpose of conclusion Reader Writer Restate the contribution with emphasis on what it allows others to do Thursday Editing sheet Assignment 1 Spider webs 2 topic and research plan Headings and subheadings of paper start of outline

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