UMass Amherst KIN 355 - 9.17.13 Kin 355 class notes

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9 17 13 Kin 355 class notes Points Today 2 10 Agenda o 34 slides o Review primary points from last week o How to read a scientific paper o How to write a scientific paper Percentage of people who handed in their paper 95 Office hours are helpful GO Email graduate TA the points each Thursday Review o What is a peer review Formal process Before an article is published it is sent out to leaders in the field and they give it an official review We do these so that the work has credibility New ideas can be seen as too radical sometimes o What is peer editing Informal process Peers help you with your writing o Tell me about ethical writing Plagiarism Need to know all of the information not just minimal information o Tell me about in text citations and reference pages Direct quotation special formatting Alphabetical authors Signed attendance Review article vs primary article o Review Presents and discusses previous research Formatting varies Our research paper will be similar to one of these Method section data bases keywords you searched with More comprehensive o Primary Presents and discusses new data Title abstract intro methods results discussion and conclusion works cited and visuals Other questions o What order to read a research paper o Do you skip sections o Do you only read the abstract o Do you read the works cited Not really o What do you do before you read an article Looking up sources for research paper o Title determines if its worth reading o Abstract tells you if info is helpful to your research o Hard copy of articles helps some people o What do you write Notes on thoughts Components of a Review Paper o Starting next week we ll expand on this information o What information should be in your paper Relevant research supporting and contradicting Hypothesis thesis or contribution statement Answers the question s you asked Proper citations Accurate information Quality writing writing mechanics flow structure content Research Paper Question o What are the benefits of drinking coconut water during aerobic exercise in comparison to water and other sport drinks Gatorade powerade etc Components of a review paper o Title o Abstract not required o Visual absolutely required Mixed in with text o Introduction o Results discussion o Conclusion o Works cited o Head parts of paper with these titles Title o Keys reader into the topic of your paper Introduction o States the problem question o Question problem in context why we care why now etc Previous research current data relevance o Limitations Usually at the End of the discussion Put it at the beginning so that the reader is onboard makes it more credible o State contribution do not exaggerate Results Discussion o ALL relevant findings o Interprets and explains results o Answers the question posed in the introduction Conclusion o Clear and specific contribution o What others may now do with the information presented Expands connection limitations presented in introduction Visuals APA citation o Title caption number o Clarifies complex written information o Adds to the paper o Specific to the paper Works Cited o In text o End section How does this help you in other areas of writing life o Graduate school o

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