UMass Amherst KIN 355 - 9.3.13 Kin 355 class notes

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9 3 13 Kin 355 lecture notes Most important things to successful scientific writing o Good data and discussion analyzing o Strong introduction o State your hypothesis o Organized tables diagrams etc o In the correct format o Include your methods o star indicates needed improvement others o organization thoughts numbers o accuracy in information you know it is accurate by getting it from a reliable source scientific journals peer review PubMed Library books textbooks internet Sometimes o how to tell if its reputable o author s associated with reputable places not 100 o peer reviewed o encyclopedias o cited o critical thinking o be concise in writing improvement suggestions o writing with a purpose what s important where is goes o interpretation data results no made up information no right or wrong many issues are more complex Rich Corey and so so Skills I will learn in this class o Editing o Research and critically read professional journal articles o Effective scientific writing o Professional development Resumes personal statements cover letters mock interviews etc Expectations o Good attitude o Engage o Ask for help communicate o Have fun Lecture o Speak up if speaking to quickly o Never go over the time limit o Discussion is going on this week o One lecture will be cut Grading o Fair consistent o High standards o They want me to succeed o Focus on learning rather than solely on the grade o Grading should be addressed during appointments with TA instructor not before during or after class Amount of work o Lots why o More vigorous at beginning o Requires work organization and communication o Need to catch up o You have time to get help Game o Discussion groups reaches a min point value everyone wins Group with most point wins an additional point o Index card drawn rotate through each discussion section Student answers 1 Etc Syllabus on moodle o Discussion this week posted in moodle syllabus o Note who is grading your paper running discussion o Required text thumb drive UMass email account 3 ring binder for portfolio o Attendence sign sheet in class o You re responsible for info in class o Portfolio need to have editing evaluation sheet Print out 12 o Hard copies may be required of work o Cell phone computers use respect o Attend office hours Assignment o Read Seals and Tanaka for lecture on Moodle o Reread the article post for the critical analysis and bring in Attempt 1 of critical analysis o How to do a peer review o Read article on moodle for critical analysis What is an outline o Brainstorming o Few details o At the end outlines are details o Tie all points together o Take out things that don t fit o Paraphrase use citations properly o Play around with outline Developing a research question o Question you can answer it o Topic broad difficult to have purpose o Don t pick something that you think is easy pick something interesting

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