SC DANC 101 - Lecture Outline - Week Nine

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Dance 101 Lecture Outline Week Nine TEXT CHAPTER SIX MODERN DANCE VIDEO POINTS IN SPACE D MAN IN THE WATERS DANCING DREAMS AN EVENING WITH THE ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATER Past class notes Study questions know who they studied with Post Modern Dance Merce Cunningham 1919 2009 studied with He was making a statement that a picture is dance He was fascinated with computers most of the time didn t use music n his dances he often collaborated with John Cage when some1 asked him about dance he said it is movement for the sake of movement John Cage Composer Works on music composition with computer Voiceless essay Collaborations with visual artists and composers a Computer Technology and Dance a Alwin Nikolais 1912 1993 His style abstract is closely related to Merce Cunningham He usually collaborate with Murray Louis Their Play is called Alwin and Murray Motion not Emotion Murray Louis b 1926 Nikolais Louis Dance Lab Nikolais Louis Dance Company Paul Taylor b 1930 Studied with Martha grahm Paul Taylor school is still going and usc signed contract with him Forerunner of the post modern movement Paul Taylor Dance Company Aureole Cloven Kingdom Esplanade Piazzolla Caldera Post Modern Second Generation The Next Wave Judith Jamison b 1944 African American Physical body did not fit what people wanted for Alvin loved her dancing Broadway dancers called Gipseys Because they go from show to show Judith went to an audition for Alvin Judith went to the Jacobs pillow post modern are chereographers who were working from to She toured west Africa Because She heared that her ancestors are from the west When she went to senigal they told er she looks like she is d from moley She set runners to look up for waters devining Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre Divining Sophisticated Ladies Broadway Bill T Jones b 1952 D man in the waters his work always has strong dermanitive His dance company is very atlatic They had people of all types He had aids and passed away He choreographed spring awakening Bill T Jones Arnie Zane Dance Company D Man in the Waters movie Still Here Spring Awakening Fela Broadway Pina Bausch 1940 2009 German Chereographer Studied with chereo grooph Rooter of Van vrdaaun She went to for undergrad studies and studied with hozen lomin modern dance performer teacher director styles very unique Stage sets are very important in her work Her company is still international Relationships is one of her main themes she uses a lot of collaboration with her dancers 45 master works All unique in one work she covered the satge with rose pedals in one of her first works She filled the stage with dirt Tanztheatre Wuppertaler Tanztheatre dance theatre in german Mark Morris b 1956 one of the foremost chereographers Musicality Never perform with canned music recorded musisc Music always played live From seatle A lot of his dances are funny They created white oak msic He doesn t choreograph balley He choreograph contemporary work Works Dido in the neist The hard nut weewsd down stairs 11 honory doctorates from universities Well respeted for his pages and pages of accomplishments Dance Fusion Video POINTS IN SPACE merce Cunningham choreographed in new york city filmed in London Paint weather 1 Merce Cunningham Points in Space Merce Cunningham school of dancing company located in NYS SOLO 1974 POND WAY 1998 2 Paul Taylor Dance maker Esplanade one of his signature works Dress Dance dresses bare foot most modern are bare feet D MAN IN THE WATERS Chereographed by Bill T Jones Story filled body body of water filled with water Barefoot pedestrian wear Last film of moder dance Never stand still A Jacobs pillow Dance festival The beginning f a long journey Ted shawn discovered dance as a form of therapy

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SC DANC 101 - Lecture Outline - Week Nine

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