Dance 101 Lecture Outline Week Seven TEXT CHAPTER SIX MODERN DANCE VIDEO THE INDIVIDAUL AND TRADITION THE HISTORY OF MODERN DANCE ISADORA DENISHAWN THE BIRTH OF MODERN DANCE MARTHA GRAHAM IN PERFORMANCE Modern Dance Evolved in the late 1800s and early 1900s as a revolt against perceived restrictions limitations of ballet Themes inspirations involve real life situations and societal issues Continued fascination with the Ancient World India China Egypt Greece Genre differs widely in style approach and methodology Isadora Duncan 1877 1927 walk barefoot in beach of california dance She was professional by the age of 16 Free flowing fabrics unrestricted clothing and bare feet connection with nature She left to Greece and her goal was to build a tampel for dance but se couldn t then her family went back to America She left to England n became homeless She started travelling from place to place She married a wealthy Russian man She likes to wear long scarf rapped clothes and then unwrap it while she dance People used to scream on her in her concert Air on the G String they played it in her funeral Mother the dance that she was most known for She created this dance at this time she was living in france Driving convertible car Her children had a fatal car accident when brakes broke she felt off a hill into a river She left behind the idea that Dance can be free can be different Isadorables Her students name cuz she adapted them paris singer she was his mistreas he was letting her use the was the most undispline at that time She was all about freedom and personal controversy Isodara was working in America then in western Europe She was in paris for a while One Russian said Isadora given me the desire to dance Movie1 isadora she likes to dance naked She is dramatic she tried to kill her self then someone saved her Movie2 twyla tharp choreographer Her body wanted to dance Her medium is movement Loie Fuller 1862 1928 was aroud at the time she was interested in something called the camera we will be asked about this in the exam Garth fagon choreographer He chereographed the lion king Sardono choreographer dance type site specific not in stage bara3 Rudolf Von Laban 1879 1958 German choreographer creating dances under his technique 1 Labanotation system of writing down dance he created this for modern dance It was his way of writng down dances 2 Laban Movement Analysis how to analyze dance What makes dance good He made an analysis of making dance good 3 6 2013 sometimes dances upset people and they do that intentionally Covered in mud climbing wall Isadora wanted to be free Name used his own techinique EX Lava notation Mary Wigman 1886 1973 was a student of Von Laban Ruth St Denis 1878 1968 from new jersey ny At 20 she was show girl She discovered dance when she was toury She wanted to dance Egypt paris She decided to open school Her first student and man is ted shown They got married Music Visualization Ted Shawn 1891 1972 Denishawn is the company and the school of ruth and ted She had a technique called And it is difficult to describe She didn t have to say a lot about herself Ted was responsible for training modern dancers in US He was mo e basic guy He went to western matchitutes to gather his thoughts about dance The e we e all male dancers Jacob s Pillow name of place he lived This name has has bible connection Ted shawn established this place for male workers to study and work Male dancers trained in Jacobs pillow machititutes Ruth and ted joined the vaudeville They used there artistic dance to make advertisement and gain money Vaudeville American first reality entertainment Died when motion industry grew TV Oprah singers musician group acts etc would go to vaudeville circuit even George Balanchine created somethings in vaudeville to make money vaudeville was a place to make money at one point they divorced That when the school ended They burned all the dances customs their company didn t have a special technique Pioneers somebody that starts something new of Modern Dance 1 Doris Humphrey 1895 1958 2 Charles Weidman 1901 1975 These two just like ruth and ted started their own school company called Humphrey weidmen based on a technique called fall Recovery They crawl fall and get up These are some of there dancesu don t need to know them Kinetic Pantomime The Shakers 1931 Lynch Town 1935 Water Study 1928 created to make commentary on social issues They created dances that sistivates on what they were living this what we need to know about these dances Technique based on Fall and Recovery 3 Martha Graham 1894 1990 martha graham school today marth graham school of contemporary dance she is very serious about her work Her dad is sychologist Technique based on Contraction and Release Muscles on her lower abs Cave of the Heart 1946 based on grmt she danced the heroin Appalachian Spring 1944 composer Aoron copland a bride and a groove a minister and a preacher one of the first times that a major composer create music for dance New watering of America She had an all female company Then she accepted some male Groome air cockens Night Journey 1947 Chronicle 1936 important to know She created a dance based on world war 2 and things she saw in Germany acts of light cools of the heart America don t support modern supported Balled is sometimes supported Modern companies tour a lot Martha once toured to Germany she saw young man in street marching Eric hawckens later opened a school that was exactly the opposite of martha s teaching Movie Appalachian spring Hanya Holm 1898 1992 a german student of rodulaf van laban name Kiss Me Kate My Fair Lady she is known for this work Kurt Jooss 1901 1979 The Green Table
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