SC DANC 101 - Lecture Outline - Week Eight

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Dance 101 Lecture Outline Week Eight TEXT CHAPTER SIX MODERN DANCE VIDEO DANCING IN THE LIGHT ALVIN AILEY A TRIBUTE TO ALVIN AILEY Martha grahm is the most popular in modern dance The three American pioneers martha gram lecture week 7 Eric hawckins was the first male dancer in Martha grahm company They ended up being married but for long time The three americn ioneers all studied wit The Second Generation Martha Hill 1900 1995 she didn t have a school company etc she was an educator American Dance Festival the first American dance wa at Bennington college The American dance festival was then moved north Currently held at duke university North Carolina Bennington College Julliard School Anna Sokolow 1915 2000 will not be asked Danced with Martha grahm Best known for a piece called rooms Isulated in NYC Rooms Jose Limon 1908 1972 Technique emphasizing balance speed control Student of Humphrey weidman He is American Mexican and that s way his technique was elated to this He added hs own Mexican heritage He also established his own school for a while The Moor s Pavane Erick Hawkins 1917 1994 Technique based on ease and free flow of movement Lester Horton 1906 1953 he started his school in California Had a major influence in modern dance in America He influenced alven ailey It drove him to sports American Indian Native American cultural influences Technique requires a strong torso and uses both symmetrical and asymmetrical styles Katherine Dunham 1909 2006 she grew up near Chicago went to university of Chicago Undergraduate degree of anthropology Hook Her dance is influenced of dances of carrabian dances She did her first dance of black concert dance Negro Rhapsody Barrelhouse Blues Stormy Weather Technique combines native Caribbean and modern dance A researcher and a scholar in the field of Anthropology Black Concert Dance Talley Beatty 1923 1996 The Road of the Phoebe Snow Mourner s Bench Pearl Primus 1919 1994 Strange Fruit Alvin Ailey 1931 1990 his teacher sent him to then e wen to NY And established ALVin ailney American theatre He had his own techinique His hook Native American dance Alvin was influenced with two people 1 Lester Horton 2 Ketherine dunham He took classes with Martha grahm George balnchine etc Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre In this school you can study horcon technique and technique Revelations Cry For Bird With Love Night Creatures Donald McKayle 1930 Rainbow Round My Shoulder Clip western dance form Africa pedestrian clothing dresses u can see in the streets Katherine dunham based in the slow drag Based on Daily movements Stage at duke university Blackround Site backroung but is not lit lighting side light Based on social dance show the influence of her carabian study Object stool barefoot a worker cloth poem no music Fruit human body on tree one man on stage danicing on an object bench side light music opra pants but no top pedestrian Donald McKayle Rainbow Round My Shoulder music with lyrics Group of men dancing Light green yellow light on the backround Overhead lights Type of lighting side overhead 03 20 14 Clip 4 questions coming on exam from this clip 1 one man speaking about blood memories childhood memory in texas dance ma3raf moo 2 Revelation is in three parts you have to know them 3 Social and political

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SC DANC 101 - Lecture Outline - Week Eight

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