UNT PSCI 1040 - Final Exam Study Guide
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PSCI 1040 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 1 8 American Political Culture 1 What is Political Culture 2 John Locke s philosophy is called and believes that society exists because of the 3 In John Locke s philosophy the is more important than the individual 4 Name the other liberal philosopher not John Locke that was discussed in lecture ROUSSEAU 5 What is the social contract 6 List five benefits to a Constitutional Democracy 7 What makes a Constitutional Democracy different from a regular Democracy 8 Define popular sovereignty 9 Populism is a The system of checks and balances c Majority rule with caveats b Majority rule d Idea that led to the Electoral College 10 Liberalism is a The system of checks and balances c Majority rule with caveats b Majority rule d Idea that led to the Electoral College 11 What were the characteristics of the Founding Fathers 12 Why did self government develop in the colonies 13 Americans were generally distrustful of their neighbors T F 14 The story of the Mormons is symbolic idea of expansion in the colonies T F 15 Individualism and property were trademarks of the American flavor of liberalism T F 16 Early Americans did not believe in property rights T F 17 Define American Capitalism 18 In American society many think that the church takes the role of the role in countries with stronger central governments 19 Public education was formed mainly to instill in young children 20 The four core values Americans still hold valuable that we discussed in class are The Founding and the Constitution 21 No taxation without 22 Which war ended self government in the colonies and why 23 The Stamp Act caused the 24 Which state were the Coercive or Intolerable Acts intended to punish 25 Which document was written as a result of the First Continental Congress and was written by whom 26 Name four ideals that influenced the Declaration of Independence 27 Explain why the US won the Revolutionary War 28 Explain the differences between the Articles of Confederation and the U S Constitution Articles of Confederation U S Constitution 29 The Articles of Confederation was ratified in 1788 T F 30 They viewed the confederation as a loose alliance of equals T F 31 What were the powers Congress held under the Articles of Confederation 32 The Articles of Confederation failed because Circle all that apply Lack of central government Awful economy No ability to impose taxes on a federal level Unanimous approval for amendments Congress had to pay back taxes but couldn t levy them Slavery caused conflicts No central leader Congress was too strong No judiciary States were charging each other tariffs Nothing prevented states from coining money 33 What caused Shay s Rebellion and what happened afterward because of it 34 The Constitutional Convention took place in 1787 and was held in a Philadelphia c Boston b New York d Baltimore 35 Why was the Constitutional Convention originally called a To replace the Articles of Confederation c Fix representation in Congress b Declare war d To fix the Articles of Confederation 36 Compare the differences between Virginia and New Jersey Plans Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan 37 What are the tenets of The Great Compromise What did it compromise 38 What does Bicameral mean How does Bicameral work in the American legislature 2 parts House of Reps and Senate 39 The 3 5th Compromise said population for slaves equated to 3 5 th of a person for the Census 40 How many votes does each state get for each representative and senator 41 Which branch decides if they want to add any courts The legislative executive or judicial 42 States have final say in laws over the national government under the Supremacy Clause T F 43 Republicanism is a system in which the government in which a central government works with the states T F 44 Federalism is a system in which the power resides in the people and exercised by elected officials T F 45 Checks and balances split the power among which three branches 46 Give the differences between federalists and anti federalists Federalists Anti federalists 47 Judicial review is when the Supreme Court decides if a law is CONSTITUTIONAL OR NOT 48 Explain the ways in which the Constitution is amended Be specific 49 The Bill of Rights was made to appease the ANTI FEDERALISTS 50 felt that the Bill of Rights was not necessary because the Constitution guaranteed rights 51 The Bill of Rights consisted of a 10 amendments c 7 amendments b 9 amendments d 8 amendments 52 Explain the government s usage of the Necessary and Proper Clause 53 Name the major flaws with the Constitution as we discussed in class 54 Name the major achievements with the Constitution as we discussed in class Federalism and the Texas Constitution 55 Define these terms Sovereignty Federalism Confederalism Unitary System 56 What is Dillon s Rule How many states adhere to Dillon s Rule 57 What is the Full Faith and Credit Clause 58 The contains the powers denied to both the national and state governments 59 The Constitutional Powers of the National Government is Circle all that apply Enumerated powers Necessary and Proper Clause Reserved powers Privileges and Immunities Clause Police powers Congress Powers 60 Federalism allows the to take care of their local problems 61 Explain Fiscal Federalism and one usage of it in which we discussed in class 62 McCullough v Maryland concerned the clause 63 The national government uses the Commerce Clause to enforce a Foreign affairs c Congressional rules b Federal law d Voting rights 64 What are grants in aid 65 What is a block grant What is a categorical grant Block grant Categorical grant 66 States were forced to raise their drinking age due to which aspect of fiscal federalism 67 Give a brief overview of the following court cases US v Lopez US v Morrison US v Printz 68 A well constructed Constitution should be 69 There have been Constitutions in Texas 70 The Constitution in place before the one currently in use was crafted by a Republicans c Radical Reconstructionists b Conservatives d Dixiecrats 71 The current Texas Constitution is incredibly restrictive on government T F 72 The executive is strong under the current Texas Constitution T F 73 The local government is weak under the current Texas Constitution T F 74 The current Texas Constitution is exorbitantly long T F 75 Popular sovereignty social contract theory limited government and separation of powers are basic principles of the Texas Constitution of 1876 T F 76 The Texas

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UNT PSCI 1040 - Final Exam Study Guide

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Pages: 8
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