UGA HIST 2111 - Final Exam Study Guide
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History 2111 Final Exam Study Guide Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures The Final Exam is not accumulative You are only responsible for knowing everything from after the Midterm up until the last day of lectures This time around there will be 5 ID s and 1 essay The exam is made so that you can finish it in 75 minutes but you have 3 hours to complete it Below is all of the information covered in class in the order that the lectures were given in They are phrased into bullet points to make it easier to remember for the exam The Election of 1800 The Democratic Republicans won the election over the Federalists This is when Jefferson became president Jefferson wanted an office that responded to the people rather than oppress the people The Federalists thought that this would lead to mob rule Jefferson thus called for more Liberty and Equality The Jefferson Revolution o Reforms Jefferson removed all internal taxes HE released those jailed by the alien and sedition acts He then hired much less militia men o Retains Some Federalist Policies Left tariffs on imported goods in place Left the National Bank in place Was a supporter for the French Revolution Left Jay s Treaty in place remained allies with England o Used Executive Power for Two Major Moments The Louisiana Purchase The Embargo Act o Jefferson s Contradictory Vision Yoman farers Economic Liberty They were virtuous the backbone of Liberty you earn what you have Federalists saw urban manufacturing economic dependence as the future o An Empire of Liberty Jefferson needed lots of cheap land so that the poor people could own their own land He needed free access to ports Native people were no longer the majority in America but they prevented expansion o Solving the Indian Problem The Civilization Program Program to civilize the Native Americans Sent white agents to teach villages how to act like white men He wanted me to farm women to do domestic labor Wanted them to read and write They had to become Christian He wanted them to intermarry with white people until the Native Americans no longer existed Encourages a credit system in Native communities to run them into debt It worked It created divisions in the Native American communities Louisiana Purchase The purchase happened in 1803 from France Jefferson originally intended to buy only the Port of New Orleans but Napoleon needed money and offered to sell of the land for a good price Jefferson did not believe that the constitution gave him the power to make this purchase but he did it anyway This was Jefferson s greatest achievement as president and it expanded the power of government Embargo Act of 1807 Under law merchants were allowed to trade with England France as long as it was not militia goods But whenever merchants attempted to trade they were kidnapped by English sailors and were forced into labor In 1806 the British ship HMS Leopard attacked an American naval ship in U S waters In 1807 the Embargo Act was passed in order to punish England It banned English imports and prohibited American vessels from trading with foreign ports Jefferson thought the economy was strong enough to handle this There was immediate public backlash When James Madison became president in 1808 he resumed trade Then in 1812 he reinstated the embargo act This was not enough for the War Hawks The war hawks declared was against England for economic independence The Indian problem brought the issue to a tipping point when the British encouraged Natives to attack American frontiers War of 1812 The British militia was distracted by Napoleon They attacked Fort McHenry However the fort withstood the bombardment from the English and protected the city This event inspired the star spangled banner During this time frame the war for Ohio happened The results of the war was that the Americans won political and economic independence that was recognized by countries world wide The U S gained a stance and respect in the world Also Indian resistance west of the Appalachians was broken Americans than decided to focus on themselves and the country War for Ohio Tenskwatawa a Shawnee prophet said to discard all American products to reject Jefferson s civilization plan Tecumseh his brother argued that this would be the final battle The war quickly merged with the war of 1812 Unfortunately for the American s the British often helped the Natives fight battles Then the British abandoned the Native Americans in 1813 at the battle of Thames River On March 1814 the group of military resistance was destroyed American Economy in 1800 o America was a fundamental agricultural society Many lived on small lands making a small profit to buy the things they do not have o Trade was fairly limited Much of it was on vessels that traveled from post to post Land routes were slow and expensive The mud and snow made land travel much harder o Manufacturing Most things were made by master craftsmen on small family workshops controlled by the male family head The male patriarch will work with his sons and very few apprentices they were local boys whom he knew It was a local market you bought from people you know If you needed clothes one of the women of the household would make it Everything happened in the household There were no deadlines You completed your work when you felt like it Everything was made to order Nothing was mass produced Transportation Revolution 1850 s o Travel was slow and expensive To get from New York to Pittsburg it would take at least 2 weeks o In the 1850 s travel became much faster o There were four phases 1 Road Building Private companies the government went on a road building binge Most of the roads they built were toll roads The Standard road consisted of cut logs paralleled to each other 1806 The government built a national road from Baltimore all the way down to St Louis 2 Steamboats 1807 Robert Fulton demonstrated the capabilities of the steam boat by taking it up the river It cut down travel time However they proved to be quite dangerous Captains wanted to be the fastest boat on the river and thus had many boiler explosions 3 Rail Roads 1830 s A rail road was built from Baltimore to the Ohio River Valley It stimulated other industries such as coal and iron mines 4 Canals The Erie Canal in Rochester NY was built from 1817 1825 Where water roads did not exist people could just simply make them It provided a water route from Cleveland to New York City It made NYC the most important commercial city in the nation o The

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UGA HIST 2111 - Final Exam Study Guide

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Pages: 11
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