Discussion 15 April 357 Tuesday April 15 2014 11 06 AM Discussion 15 April 357 wma Audio recording started 11 07 AM Tuesday April 15 2014 1 Physical Abuse in Marriage a b c d History and demographics Characteristics of abusers Types of abusive relationships Communication issues Physical Abuse of Children 1 Demographics a 9 10 b Sons more so then daughters c Younger children are more likely than older children i Boys being told to man up etc ii Older children tend to talk b Stay at home fathers and mothers are more likely to abuse than working parents i Staying with kid more b Likely happens when families are socially isolated versus strong social networks 2 Characteristics of abusers a Rigid domineering and easily threatened b Associated with alcoholism and drugs c Have issues with depression and not coping with life d More physiologically reactive to a child crying e Abusers tend to be victims of abuse themselves when they were children 3 Characteristics of abused children a Younger on average b Boys more than girls are at risk c More unwanted children children that were unplanned d Physically and mentally handicap children e More intellectual problems beatings etc f More social problems i Less mature socially ii Less identity iii Trust problems iv Not very popular in school b Behavioral problems i ii iii Older likely to be involved in criminal activities Higher risk of violent relationships later Higher risk of being child abusers later 4 Effects a They have extreme emotions whether fearful or angry in situational problems Sexual Abuse 1 Demographics a 5 of people will admit it b Tends to be more by a father figure dad uncle etc c Sibling on sibling sexual abuse i Hard to distinguish 1 When is that they are playing doctor or not a Age coercion secrecy will help determine this b And they type of abuse b Effects i Increased somatic symptoms 1 Tummy aches headaches a Sometimes just to get away from abuser and sometimes consequence of the abuse ii More aggressive and sexualized behavior iii Increased risk of suicide and being in abusive relationships 1 Higher risk of being raped e Intervening Intervals i Identity of the perpetrator ii Type of the abuse 1 Touching to full on intercourse it varies ii Length of the abuse does it go on long or short iii Reaction of meaningful adults in the child s life Reaction many times kids wont tell because it will tear up their family iv
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