Discussion 357 23 Jan Thursday January 23 2014 11 12 AM Discussion 357 23 Jan wma Audio recording started 11 12 AM Thursday January 23 2014 Characteristics of Family Systems System A set of components that interrelate each other to form a whole 1 Interdependence a Family members or parts of the system are interrelated b The depend on each oher for functioning c They affect each other when they are disengaged Behaviors or lack of behaviors have an impact on members of the system d Marital problems affect chidren s behavior 2 Wholeness a The whole is greater different than the sum of its parts b To understand the parts you need analyze the entire system i Family with 6 kids gets together and cannot have a serious convo for more than a few minutes 1 This is how they get along a Sisters are bffs b 2 or 3 of them can have good convos but not as a whole c Subsystems of the family function differently than the parts 3 Patterns self regulation a The idea that the system develops patterns that make life predictable i They system will develop in such away to maintain these patterns 1 Systems can actually keep these patterns stick when you try to change a A college kid going home is an adult and parents try and keep them as a kid b Maintenance feedback i When you engage in a behavior and the system provides feedback that maintains the pattern 1 Going back to the parent example ii Change promoting feedback 1 Feedback you get form the system to encourage change 2 We have this pattern of behavior that is established and they will all entice change in that behavior a As kids getting older parents give change promoting feedback i More information more responsibility ii b External factors can happen too parent loses his job i Mom has to go back to work tasks get redistributed 1 Power roles 4 Interactive complexity punctuation a In a system cause and effect our interchangeable b Interactions are complex and how you interpret them depends on how you punctuate them i Example comm pattern that is neg with romantic relationship 1 Demand withdraw pattern a When one person in the couple demands and engages in a conflict b The other person withdraws denies or runs away or avoid c BOTH are at fault i Each our allowing the behavior ii Siblings 1 HE SHE STARTED IT a Kids nagging each other and reciprocating i The pattern needs to change at least on one end to get it to change 5 Openness a They system maintains an interchange with elements of the outside environments i There is an exchange going on how much varies its different which each family 1 Amish family not having much interaction with outside world 2 Curfews one family is strict on kid all his her friends arent strict so it causes conflict in the family a These outside influences can impact parents and change due to pressure these would be more open 6 Complex relationships a Systems within the family systems i Sub systems or aka coalitions 1 Older siblings versus younger siblings ii iii iv v Closer to your mom or dad one parent and a kid may have better relationship Kids from one parent and kids from another Activities amongst siblings shopping VS hunting Relationship with a child ren with dad or mom is stronger than the parents relationship with each other 1 Can be related to role reversal 2 This can also weirdly cause parent to have resentment with the child 7 Equifinality a You can accomplish a similar goal in different ways b There are different paths to the same end point i Goal is to be close knit intermediate family Different systems achieve the goal in different ways 1 Dinner every night VS activities every Sunday for example can have the same end affect Transition of Family Communication Patterns How are they transmitted 1 Established within the nuclear family a Communication and priorities and norms can break due to circumstances that happen within the family b Punishments and disciplines can change with technology etc c Lack of emotions from nuclear family can cause the kids to make sure they have those traits within their kids and new nuclear family i Examples of all these I love you VS I love you more 1 See ya soon VS Bye 2 2 Transmitted via multigenerational transmission a Like father like on i Discipline methods can be passed down b Biological features personalities c Traditions religion behavioral norms d Passing down of professions education degree of or lack of the value of it e Dysfunctional behavior i Drug alcohol abuse f Divorce commitment toward relationships is passed down g Emotions i Biological more prone to depressions etc ii Also environment can cause emotional traits to cling h Conflict style i How its handled abuse non abuse confrontational non confrontational 3 Established Based on Ethic Heritage a Hispanic cultures Man role is the power role b African American families Men tend to be absent so you find a lot of Strong independent women c Respect for elders have different degrees of importance based on culture i Native americans and asians are good examples d How much is expressed i Italian and emotion are expressed with hands ii Asians no hand movements cover mouth when they laugh e Involvement of extended family i Greeks italian hispanics family means EVERYONE ii Native American families multi generations living in one household
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