CMSC 341 Linked Lists Stacks and Queues Implementing Your Own Linked List To create a doubly linked list as seen below MyLinkedList class Node class LinkedListIterator class Sentinel nodes at head and tail 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 2 Empty Linked List An empty double linked list with sentinel nodes 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 3 Inner classes Inner class objects require the construction of an outer class object before they are instantiated Compiler adds an implicit reference to outer class in an inner class MyArrayList this Good for when you need several inner objects to refer to exactly one outer object as in an Iterator object 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 4 Nested classes Considered part of the outer class thus no issues of visibility No reference to the outer class If a nested static class has public accessibility then it can be instantiated without the outer class Making an inner class private means only the outer class may access the data fields within the nested class Is Node a prime candidate for nested or inner class public or private 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 5 Implementation for Class declaration and nested Node class MyLinkedList 1 public class MyLinkedList AnyType implements Iterable AnyType static key word makes Node a nested class private static class Node AnyType public Node AnyType d Node AnyType p Node AnyType n data d prev p next n public AnyType public Node AnyType public Node AnyType data prev next 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 6 2 Data Fields and Accessors private int theSize used to help iterator detect changes in List private int modCount 0 private Node AnyType beginMarker head node private Node AnyType endMarker tail node public int size return theSize public boolean isEmpty return size 0 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 7 3 Constructor s public MyLinkedList clear Changes the size of this collection to zero public void clear beginMarker new Node AnyType null null null endMarker new Node AnyType null beginMarker null beginMarker next endMarker theSize 0 modCount 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 8 4 More Accessors and public boolean add AnyType x Mutators add size x return true public void add int idx AnyType x addBefore getNode idx x public AnyType get int idx return getNode idx data public AnyType set int idx AnyType newVal Node AnyType p getNode idx AnyType oldVal p data p data newVal return oldVal public AnyType remove int idx return remove getNode idx 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 9 5 getNode Method private Node AnyType getNode int idx Node AnyType p if idx 0 idx size throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException if idx size 2 p beginMarker next for int i 0 i idx i p p next else p endMarker for int i size i idx i p p prev return p 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 10 6 addBefore Method private void addBefore Node AnyType p AnyType x Node AnyType newNode new Node AnyType x p prev p newNode prev next newNode p prev newNode theSize modCount 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 11 7 remove and iterator Methods private AnyType remove Node AnyType p p next prev p prev p prev next p next theSize modCount return p data required by the Iterable interface public java util Iterator AnyType iterator return new LinkedListIterator 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 12 8a LinkedListIterator class import java util private class LinkedListIterator AnyType implements Iterator AnyType private Node AnyType current beginMarker next used to check for modifications to List private int expectedModCount modCount private boolean okToRemove false public boolean hasNext return current endMarker continues on next slide 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 13 8b LinkedListIterator class public AnyType next if modCount expectedModCount throw new ConcurrentModificationException if hasNext throw new NoSuchElementException AnyType nextItem current data current current next okToRemove true return nextItem continues on next slide 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 14 8c LinkedListIterator class public void remove if modCount expectedModCount throw new ConcurrentModificationException if okToRemove throw new IllegalStateException MyLinkedList this remove current prev okToRemove false expectedModCount end of remove Method end of LinkedListIterator class end of MyLinkedList class 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 15 Stacks A restricted list where insertions and deletions can only be performed at one location the end of the list top LIFO Last In First Out Laundry Basket last thing you put in is the first thing you remove Plates remove from the top of the stack and add to the top of the stack 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 16 Stack ADT Basic operations are push pop and top 8 3 2007 Stack Model UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 17 Adapting Lists to Implement Stacks Adapter Design Pattern Allow a client to use a class whose interface is different from the one expected by the client Do not modify client or class write adapter class that sits between them In this case the List is an adapter for the Stack The client user calls methods of the Stack which in turn calls appropriate List method s 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 18 Adapter Model for Stack Client Stack user theStack push 10 Stack adapter theList add 0 10 List adaptee 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 19 Queues Restricted List Examples only add to head only remove from tail line waiting for service jobs waiting to print Implement as an adapter of List 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 20 Queue ADT Basic Operations are enqueue and dequeue 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 21 Adapter Model for Queue Client Queue user theQ enqueue 10 Queue adapter theList add theList size 1 10 List adaptee 8 3 2007 UMBC CMSC 341 LSQ 22
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