ISU BSC 160 - Study Guide Chapter 12

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What are some characteristics of fungi What is mycology What are some diseases caused by fungi What are some beneficial uses of fungi Explain the difference between aerial and vegetative hyphae 1 Know the difference between septate and coenocytic hyphae Explain how hyphae grow What is a mycelium What are characteristics of yeast give an example of an yeast 2 Understand the different ways that fungi can reproduce as in hyphae What are the differences between fungal and bacterial spores What are the types of spores found in fungi Understand condidiospore arthrospore chlamydiospores sporangiospores 3 Differentiate between meiosis karyogamy and plasmogamy Understand and give examples of the three important phyla Zygomycota ascomyota and Basidiomycota Give examples of the various types of mycotic infections and explain the differences 4 Give several examples of opportunistic fungal infections who are at risk for these Give examples of beneficial fungi What are characteristics of algae What are the different types of algae Give examples of each 5 Know what causes red tide paralytic shellfish poisoning and domoic acid poisoning What are characteristics of protozoa Understand the asexual and sexual ways protozoa reproduce What is schizogony 6 Give examples of disease caused by protozoa Understand the phyla Archaezoa microspora rhizopoda apicomplexa Give examples of each Diagram the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax Differentiate between definitive and intermediate host 7 Know the following disease toxoplasmosis cryptosporiodisis sleeping sickness Chagas disease Know the causative agent Understand what helminthes are and their characteristics and life cycles Know the difference between platyhelminths trematodes nematodes Know the life cycle of the lung fluke paragominus westermani What are characteristics and characteristic structures of cestodes 8 What is a hydatid cyst Know the life cycle of Echinococcus granulosus What are the pin worm and hook worm of human s called Understand the life cycle of the nematode What is a vector What is an arthropod Give an example of a disease spread by a tick vector A mosquito vector What are some characteristics that differentiate ticks from mosquitoes 9

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ISU BSC 160 - Study Guide Chapter 12

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