MSU LIN 463 - Final Exam Study Guide
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LIN 463 1nd Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Unit 3 Material April 1 2014 Activity What is a chair Give at least 3 examples of chairs What are important features of chairs Give a definition A chair is Make sure your definition includes all chairs and excludes all non chairs Write up add names put in drop box on D2L Categorization Category A group of related things Can have central tendency fuzzy edges Canonical vs unusual exemplars instances o Pigeon robin penguin ostrich Immensely useful makes information simpler and easier to work with o Categorical representations are more powerful because they can deal with things on an abstract fashion if I sit on it it will support my weight it is a chair Don t even have to think about that just do it Efficient for acting accordingly Philosophically challenging Computationally straightforward as an emergent property of networks Attractor networks o Ability to put things into a category comes along with for the ride because of the way you organized the knowledge in the network Emergent property a big picture property of a system that is determined by the aggregate behavior of lower level features Categorization A chair is a category Semantic networks Language semantic netowkrs meaning nodes connected to others Network structure plus activity Activity spreading activation Priming memory illusion April 3 2014 The Self Activity What is the self What key things does cog sci need to explain about the self Is there anything that cannot be explained The self Cog sci perspective the self is just a computation o People are agents o And so am I o This is an inference The way that vision is an inference computation There is all this information vision is about making an inference about what kinds of things are where in the world The self is an attractor state arising from constraint satisfaction Components of the self o Physical body o Episodic o Semantic knowledge of personality o Experience of continuity o Sense of agency and ownership o Self reflection meta representation Able to represent in your own mind that you have a mind The self body How do we identify and identify with body as self At least 3 different representations of body o Proprioception position in space touch nose with your eyes closed blind people can eat fine o Vision can see our own body o Touch you feel when you are touched not someone else usually All these reinforce this body is me Three representations one body o Likely involves a kind of computation known as constraint satisfaction o Constraint satisfaction is very general can be done by attractor neural networks same as we saw for categorization o Constraint a fact clue partial info Accounting for as many facts as possible making sense of a bunch of potentially conflicting views April 8 2014 Trying to do nothing is something that is hard to try and do hard not to think about things Neural computation of self Sense of agency and ownership Physical body we have one we represent it Self reflection we can think about ourselves know ourselves reflectively Autobiographical memory continuity Inhabit an agent your memory structure features you as the central character your memories are focused around you Cognitive conservatism we have these memory structures but we don t really shift in our sense of who we are from day to day we don t change our structures Disorders in continuity o Dissociations in Episodic memories Semantic knowledge of personality Semantic knowledge of one s history People with amnesia able to describe personality some levels impaired Self knowledge event related fMRI Semantic knowledge of one s personality Levels of processing encode in relation to self o Like Wagner et al study o mPFC Agency study when word came 1 5 seconds before stopping on the picture low sense of self control was reported when words came 30 seconds before stronger illusion of agency Physical body anterior insula o important for interoception internal state physical condition also pain and pleasure Default mode network key brain regions o mPFC most important o inferior parietal o posterior cingulate coordinated work together seem to be a team of regions de activate during cognitive tasks activate for self and anxiety consistent with idea that we have self related processing could be a form of a computation in a sense that we do spontaneously o thinking about ourselves o o when asked to do something like arithmetic the narrator in our mind our thoughts about our day what is going on in our lives shuts down to allow us to do arithmetic active when people are not otherwise engaged in non self related processing April 15 2014 Sweetness 1 basic terms utility pleasure affect a Pleasure conscious i Not just preference or willingness to work ii Ex seeing a shape one might be preferred over the other but pleasure is not always there iii Willingness to work belief that I won t really believe you like it until you re willing to work for it b Utility i Economic goodness not money ii Does not scale linearly iii Depends on framing as loss or gain losses loom larger iv Unexpected gains are more pleasurable 1 Utility is not objective the psychology matters 2 core neural systems for wanting liking a Wanting Vs Liking i Wanting 1 Ex Jeremy s kids so excited for Christmas presents on Christmas eve it was almost painful 2 Like having a goal ii Liking 1 About incentive to want or do something 2 Measuring liking a Core liking necessary and sufficient substrates 3 Food Donut challenge Pre donut How much do you like donuts in general 1 the least 7 the most 7 How much do you want a donut now 7 Chocolate habituation Studies of how much people liked chocolate over time pleasantness of chocolate o One minute of pet scan look at the blood flow Initially chocolaholics gave a high pleasantness rating over time the ratings go down Coca cola cultural knowledge Neural response to sugar depends on cultural knowledge o Chemically similar strong subjective preferences o Anonymous vs brand cued delivery of drink in scanner Oxytocin breast feeding social bonding Pair bonding mother infant bondings important for developing bonds with caregivers o Our species wouldn t last long without this bonding o Positively predicts maternal Gaze affectionate touch Positive affect vocalization Attachment thoughts Checking behavior Past Material From Exam 1 2 What is cog sci Science of the mind info processing terms Computational analysis of mental life 4 Cog sci explains what it means to have a mind

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MSU LIN 463 - Final Exam Study Guide

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Pages: 22
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