MAN 320F Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Management and Organizations Define management o Coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so that their activities are completed efciently and efectively o Efciency Efectiveness Productivity Contrast efciency and efectiveness why are they important to management o Efciency Doing things right not wasting resources Getting the most output from the least amount of inputs Minimal resources Monetary Concerned with the means of getting things done o Efectiveness Doing the right things doing work activities that will help organization reach it s goals Completing activities so that organizational goals are attained Concerned with the ends or attainment of goals Describe four functions of management o 1 Planning Defining goals establishing strategy developing plans to coordinate Activities o 2 Organizing determining what needs to be done how it will be done and who is to do it o 3 Leading Motivating leading and any other actions involved in dealing with people o 4 Controlling Monitoring activities to ensure that they are accomplished as planned Describe managerial levels and roles o Managerial levels Classifying managers First line Managers manage the work of non managerial employees who are typically involved with producing the organization s products servicing the organization s customers Supervisors Team or shift leaders Middle Managers manage the work of first line managers and can be found between the lowest and top levels of the organization Directors Top Managers responsible for making organization wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that afect the entire organization Vice Presidents C suite CEO COO CFO CIO etc o Managerial roles Mintzberg specific actions or behaviors expected of and exhibited by a manager Interpersonal roles involve people other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature Figurehead leader liaison Informational roles involve collecting receiving and disseminating information Monitor disseminator spokesperson Decisional roles entail making decisions or choices Entrepreneur disturbance handler resource allocator negotiator Contrast successful vs efective managers o In successful organizations high efciency and high efectiveness typically go hand and hand o Poor management usually involves being inefcient inefective Describe rewards and challenges of being a manager o Rewards Meaningful fulfilling work Challenging creative Support coach nurture Recognition status Good money Opportunities o Challenges can be a tough often thankless job Success depends on others performance Deal with varied personalities Limited resources high expectations Long hours Must change adapt quickly Rewards Challenges Create a work environment in which organizational members can work to the best of their ability May have duties that are ore clerical than managerial Work with a variety of people Do hard work Support coach and nurture others Have to deal with a variety of personalities Help others find meaning fulfillment in Often have to make do with limited work resources Have opportunities to think creatively use imagination Motivate workers in chaotic uncertain situations Receive recognition and status in organization community Blend knowledge skills ambitions and experiences of a diverse work group Play role in influencing organizational outcomes Success depends on others work performance Receive appropriate compensation in form of salaries bonuses stock options Good managers are needed by organizations Describe Katz s three managerial skills and how important skills change with managerial level o 1 Technical skills job specific knowledge techniques needed to proficiently perform work tasks Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field Example she worked as a clerk in a hospital Need at right at the beginning of starting out o 2 Human skills involve the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group Ability to work well with other people Need during entire career need to build develop o 3 Conceptual skills skills managers use to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations Use when you go higher up identifying opportunities selecting critical info from masses of data Recognizing problems developing implementing solutions Discuss changes impacting managers jobs o In today s world managers are dealing with economic and political uncertainties changing workplaces ethical issues security threats and changing technology o Importance of Customers Managing customer relationships Responsibility of all employees Essential for survival o Innovation Doing things diferently exploring new territory taking risks Requires culture and management support o Importance of Sustainability Sustainability company s ability to achieve its business goals and increase long term shareholder value by integrating economic environmental and social opportunities into its business strategies Achieve business goals maximize long term shareholder value AND Achieve economic environmental and social goals Managers must be concerned with sustainability as business goals are developed o Changes impacting Manager Jobs The Changing Organization 1 MC question will come of this table Explain why customer service and innovation are important to managers Managers must be concerned with customer service because employee attitudes and behaviors play a big role in customer satisfaction Managers must also be concerned with innovation because its important for organizations to be competitive Describe organization characteristics and explain how the concept of an organization is changing o Organizations have 3 characteristics a distinctive purpose composed of people and a deliberate structure o Many of today s organizations are structured to be more open flexible and responsive to changes Chapter 2 Understanding Management s Context Constraints and Challenges Describe extent of and limits on management influence of organization success o Omnipotent Managers directly responsible for success or failure of an organization Quality of organization determined by quality of managers o Symbolic Managers have limited efect on organizational outcomes Success or failure due to external forces outside managers control Economy customers governmental policies competitors o The Management Reality Synthesis managers neither helpless or all powerful o The 2 constraints on a manager s discretion are the organizations culture internal
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