Pitt PSY 0505 - Immune System
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BIOPSYCH 0505 Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture I Facial feedback hypothesis A Experiment II What is stress Different definitions of stress A Hans Selye B coping with strategies C Physiological reaction D Increases in sympathetic and HPA activation E Richard Lazarus III General Adaption Syndrome A Hans Selye 1 Alarm phase B Phase 2 resistance C Phase 3 exhaustion IV Perceiving a threat A Sympathetic nervous system pathway B When the hormones are released into circulation 1 Epi 2 Norep V Hypothalamus pituitary adrenal HPA axis A Corticotropin releasing hormone CRH B HPA activation in the short term C Increased in BP D Increased plaque formation E Decrease in adipose tissue F Increase to the hormones G Parasympathetic rebound H In response to cortisol VI What happens when we are stressed A The good B The bad C Brain in response to stress D More psych effects These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1nd Outline of Current Lecture I Immune System with prolonged stress A Two kinds of defense 1 Cell mediated immunity 2 Antibody mediated immunity B Gastric ulcers and H pylori II Coping with stress A Perception of stress B Emotion focused coping C Problem focused coping 1 Definition 2 Taking Control 3 Information Seeking Current Lecture I Immune System with prolonged stress A Two kinds of defense 1 Cell mediated immunity a Cells are able to come in contact with an antigen which is an outside substance such as pollen or bacteria b Macrophage cells can eliminate one virus at a time c Takes proteins T cells and expresses them on the surface d T cells with a receptor bind to macrophage and then begin to target the antigen e Cortisol is increased during stress and weakens the ability for T cells to multiply 2 Antibody mediated immunity a Regulated by B cells which are not able to stop the antigen but can create antibodies against that particular protein b Vaccines taken in childhood provides viruses that are dead yet antibodies can still be formed from the protein c Cortisol decreases B cells B Gastric ulcers and H pylori 1 Found high levels of H pylori in people who had stomach ulcers 80 percent of the population has some level of H pylori 2 Stress increases the H pylori in the stomach 3 During replication they are secreting a substance which breaks down the stomach lining creating stomach ulcers II Coping with stress A Perception of stress even when you see something as a harmless stressor it still activates the response system B Emotion focused coping 1 Involves trying to reduce negative emotional responses associated with stress 2 May be the only realistic option when trying to control a situation 3 Changes the threat to a challenge C Problem focused coping 1 Targets the causes of stress in practical ways which tackles the problem or stressful situation that is causing stress consequently directly reducing the stress 2 Taking Control this response involves changing the relationship between yourself and the source of stress 3 Information Seeking most rational involves the individual trying to understand the situation and putting into place cognitive strategies to avoid it in future

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Immune System

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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