Pitt PSY 0505 - Theories of Cerebral Symmetry
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BIOPSYCH 0505 Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I Commissurotomy in Humans with epilepsy A Limits convulsive activity B Sperry and Gazzaniga C Contralateral D Cross cuing II Doing two things at once A Helping hand phenomenon B Dual foci of attention C Chimeric figures task D The Z lens III Differences between the left and right hemispheres A There are no substantial differences B Lateralization C Anatomical brain asymmetries observed in 1 Front Operculum Broca s area 2 Planum Temporale Wernicke s area 3 Primary Auditory Cortex Outline of Current Lecture I Theories of cerebral symmetry A Analytic synthetic theory 1 Analytic mode left hemisphere 2 Synthetic right hemisphere B Motor theory 1 Speech 2 Two lines of evidence C Linguistic theory II Evolution of cerebral lateralization A Vertebrate evolution B Increased neural efficiency C Two cognitive processes III Stress A James Lange view B Cannon Bard view C Modern view These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1nd D E F G Paul Ekman found 6 primary emotions Guillaume Benjamin Duchenne fMRI scan Contagion effect Current Lecture I Theories of cerebral symmetry A Analytic synthetic theory suggests that there are two modes of thinking 1 Analytic mode left hemisphere looking at detail and operates in a logical and sequential way analyzes and provides verbal labels 2 Synthetic right hemisphere a Looking at the whole and is the primary synthesizer b Organizes and processes info in terms of the gestalt c Makes immediate judgments B Motor theory 1 LH is specialized for fine motor movement such as speech 2 Two lines of evidence a Lesions of the LH disrupt facial movements more than the RH lesions b The degree of disruption of nonverbal facial movements is positively correlated with the degree of aphasia limitations is that it does not say how it happened in the beginning C Linguistic theory 1 The primary function of the LH is language 2 Based on studies of deaf people who use ASL if they have damage to the LH they are unable to sign anymore II Evolution of cerebral lateralization A Lateralization of function may have been present at the beginning of vertebrate evolution B Increased neural efficiency to concentrate function in one hemisphere C Two cognitive processes may be more readily performed simultaneously if both are lateralized to the same hemisphere III Stress A James Lange view perception physiological reaction feeling of fear B Cannon Bard view perception then the fear and physiological reaction happens at the same time so they are independent from each other C Modern view 1 Interaction by directional effects as there will be immediate physiological reactions and at the same time the feeling of fear 2 It also shows that feelings of fear can change the perception of the stimulus 3 We cannot separate our perception from our feelings from our reactions D Paul Ekman found 6 primary emotions and expressions 1 Anger surprise disgust fear sadness happiness 2 Went to New Guinea to find tribes who had little experience with the outside world and the faces they made correlated with the faces of other cultures 3 Primate facial expressions are very similar to humans E Guillaume Benjamin Duchenne tried to figure out which muscles were involved with specific facial expressions genuine smile involves the zygomaticus major and the orbicularis oculi F fMRI scan 1 Areas of increased activity in the primary motor cortex and the premotor cortex when volunteers watched facial expressions of emotion 2 Same areas were active when the volunteers made the expressions themselves G Contagion effect contagious nature of emotion if we see others happy we become happy and if we see someone upset we express being upset too

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Theories of Cerebral Symmetry

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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