UConn PSYC 1100 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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PSYC 1100 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 12 19 Lecture 12 March 10 Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery Extinction CR declines and disappears over trials without US o Due to build up of inhibition Spontaneous Recovery after rest interval extinguished CR reappears at almost previous strength and extinguishes faster next time o Due to dissipation of inhibition Observations on Conditioning Involuntary responses involved Contiguity closeness in time is basis of gaining of conditioned reflex Optimal time interval between CS US differs depending on particular response being conditioned e g 5 30 sec for dog s salivation response 5 sec for human eye blink response number of trials required for conditioning varies too More intense CS produces greater CR louder tone brighter light more salivation Higher Order Conditioning 1 Establish CS bell salivation 2 New CS is paired with old CS without US tone bell salivation 3 Eventually new CS is established without US tone salivation US acts as reinforcer for conditioned reflex CS acts like a US secondary reinforcer Lecture 13 March 12 Generalization similar stimuli produce similar responses pet both dogs and cats o New stimulus similar to CS also produces CR EX different pitch tone still produces salivation Discrimination different stimuli produce different responses say dog and cat properly o Train CS high tone with US and CS low tone w o US result is CR to CS but not to CS CR UR CR may be preparatory response for US CS tone US shock UR fast heartbeat breathing but then CS tone CR slower heartbeat breathing CS injection US morphine UR less pain but then CS injection CR more pain sensitivity What gets learned Pavlov s view CS CR conditioned reflex Modern view CS US association such that CS provides info about US NOTE backward conditioning US before CS fails Lecture 14 March 24 Instrumental or Operant Conditioning Trial and error incremental learning Law and Effect response is automatically strengthened when followed by reinforcement satisfying state of affairs automatically weakened when followed by punishment annoying state of affairs Operant Conditioning vs Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Reinforcement depends on response Response is emitted and voluntary A behavior is learned Mechanism Law and Effect CONSEQUENCES Classical Conditioning Reinforcement US comes regardless Response is provoked and involuntary A signal is learned CS US Mechanism CONTIGUITY conditioning because changing the conditions changes response frequency not under conscious control even though voluntary B F Skinner Skinner box Many responses Little time and effort Easily recorded RESPONSE RATE is the Dependent Variable Lecture 15 March 26 Reinforcement and Punishment REINFORCEMENT both pos and neg always increases rate of responding o Positive reinforcement delivers appetitive stimulus food approval o Negative reinforcement removes aversive stimulus shock alarm clock noise PUNISHMENT decreases rate of responding With no reinforcement extinction and spontaneous recovery happen just as in classical conditioning Present Stimulus Remove Stimulus Increases Behavior Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Decreases Behavior Positive Punishment Negative Punishment DISCRIMINATIVE STIMULUS indicated under what circumstances response will be reinforced EX rat presses bar but only gets food when light in box is on eventually doesn t press unless light is on Stimulus does NOT CAUSE response or SIGNAL reinforcement it SETS OCCASION for response Lecture 16 March 31 Parallel to Classical Instead of CR there s operant response Instead of US reinforcement Instead of CS discriminative stimulus But order changes CLASSICAL stimulus CS OPERANT stimulus Reinforcement US Response Response CR Reinforcement Lecture 17 April 2 Conditioned secondary Reinforcer Stimulus paired with reinforcer acquires reinforcing properties How does something get to be a conditioned reinforcer o Through classical conditioning EX in higher order classical conditioning one bell is connected to food its used like a US Partial Reinforcement Effect Reinforcing ONLY SOME TRIALS produces even STRONGER response than reinforcing ALL TRIALS but what does some mean Lecture 18 April 7 SCHEDULES OF REINFORCEMENT Describe as interval ratio fixed variable Continuous Reinforcement CR all responses get reinforced Interval schedule reinforce next response after some time interval Fixed Interval FI time is fixed rat gets food pellet for next bar press 30 seconds after last pellet EX checking mail delivered daily Variable Interval VI time is average rat gets food pellet for next bar press 20 40 25 35 seconds after last pellet 30 seconds on average EX checking email delivered whenever Ratio schedule reinforcement after some number of responses ratio of responses to reinforcements Fixed Ratio FR ratio is fixed rat gets food pellet for every 10th bar press EX factory piecework Variable Ratio VR ratio is average rat gets food pellet after 8 12 5 15 responses on average EX gambling Ratio schedule produces greatest number of responses on shorted amount of time compared to interval Lecture 19 April 9 Latent Learning rats ran around maze at leisure for 10 days then for food from 11 th day on Thordike Skinner learning begins when reinforcement begins rats should run slow for 10 days then gradually get better starting from that 11th day but instead Tolman found running was slow for 11days then was suddenly fast from 12th day on They had learned it gradually over the 10 days but didn t show it it was latent until motivates i e until they got food at the end Conclusion Learning is NOT caused by reinforcement Learning IS a building up of cognitions BEHAVIORIST view would say response is learned automatically due to reinforcement we know response is learned when rat performs it COGNITIVE view says cognitive map of maze is learned even without reinforcement used later when animal is purpose or motivation

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UConn PSYC 1100 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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