PSYC 1100 1nd Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Conditioned secondary Reinforcer Outline of Current Lecture I Interval Schedule a Fixed Interval b Variable Interval II Ratio Schedule a Fixed Ratio b Variable Ratio Current Lecture I Interval schedule reinforce next response after some time interval a Fixed Interval FI time is fixed rat gets food pellet for next bar press 30 seconds after last pellet EX checking mail delivered daily b Variable Interval VI time is average rat gets food pellet for next bar press 20 40 25 35 seconds after last pellet 30 seconds on average EX checking e mail delivered whenever II Ratio schedule reinforcement after some number of responses ratio of responses to reinforcements a Fixed Ratio FR ratio is fixed rat gets food pellet for every 10th bar press EX factory piecework b Variable Ratio VR ratio is average rat gets food pellet after 8 12 5 15 responses on average EX gambling These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Ratio schedule produces greatest number of responses on shorted amount of time compared to interval
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