WSU COMSTRAT 380 - Media Planning and Buying

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Comstrat 380 1nd Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I Television marketing II Sponsorships III Drawbacks of television IV Digital media V The internet audience Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV Issued in Internet Advertising Advantages and Limitations of Internet Advertising Careers in Media on the selling side Media Planning Job Functions the buying side Current Lecture I II Issues in Internet Advertising a Internet Targeting and Privacy i Cookies track your movements online and report back to site owners who store or sell your information ii Companies that keep track of their customers online behavior can personalize their advertising messages iii Ex Target knows you re pregnant We knew that if we could identify them in their second trimester there s a good chance we could capture them for years b If you use a credit card of a coupon or fill out a survey or mail in a refund or call customer help line or open an e mail we ve sent you or visit our Web site well record it and link it to your Guest ID Pole said We want to know everything we can Advantages and Limitations of Internet Advertising a Advantages i It is relatively inexpensive ii It reaches people who aren t watching TV or reading newspaper These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV iii It is somewhat easy to track and effective at reaching highly targeted audiences iv Advertisers can customize and personalize messages v Small companies can easily and economically look big and compete with larger companies b Limitations i Frequent tech and format changes make it hard to consistently produce effective ads ii Measuring effectiveness includes many variables iii Clutter may be worse than in other media iv No one ever says this Cool A banner ad Careers in Media on the selling side a Media salespeople work for a magazine TV station etc provide sales kits with information about audience and medium i Convince media planners to use medium b Media reps or brokers are people companies who sell space and time for a variety of media allowing the media buyer to make an entire buy with one order Media Planning Job Functions the buying side a Media researchers compile audience measurement data media costs and availability for various media b Media planners develop the strategic decisions outlined in the media plan such as where and when to advertise and which type of media to use c Media buyers implement the media plan by contracting for specific amounts of time or space based on the plan developed by the media planner d Media buying companies specialize in media research planning and buying They may be a spinoff from an advertising agency and work for a variety of clients

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WSU COMSTRAT 380 - Media Planning and Buying

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