UT MAN 320F - Managing Teams

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Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture II Other Personality Insights A Locus of Control B Self Esteem III Emotions Emotional Intelligence Outline of Current Lecture IV Perception A Perception impacts the way we treat other people V Choose Your Perceptions Carefully VI Strategies to build relationships when you don t like all your employees A Act as if B Find one thing you like respect about that person C Use your faith VII How We Perceive People Theories A Attribution Theory B Fundamental attribution error VIII Self serving bias A Assumed Similarity B Stereotyping C Halo Horn Effect IX Learning A Learning process Competence Model X Management Bookshelf Chapter 13 Managing Teams XI Why Use Groups and Teams A Think Pair Share XII 5 Stages of Group Development XIII Group Success Variables XIV Conformity XV Groupthink A Symptoms XVI Composition Current Lecture Chapter 14 Continued Chapter 13 Learning Outline o Define the five important employee behaviors that managers want to explain predict and influence o Describe the three components of an attitude and three job related attitudes o Describe the impact job satisfaction has on employee behavior T o Explain how individuals reconcile inconsistencies between attitudes and behavior o Contrast the MBTI and the Big Five Model of personality o Describe the impact of locus of control and self esteem traits o Explain how emotions and emotional intelligence impact behavior o Explain how an understanding of perception can help managers better understand individual behavior o Describe the key elements of attribution theory and how the fundamental attribution error and self serving bias can distort attributions o Describe three shortcuts used in judging others o Define learning and describe the Bateman competence model Perception Exercise o Your focus determines your reality o If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot the dots will remain only one color pink o However if you stare at the black in the center the moving dot turns to green o Now concentrate on the black in the center of the picture After a short period all the pink dots will slowly disappear and you will only see only a single green dot rotating Old woman or young women o Younger people see younger woman o Older people see older wan Knight on a horse o Perceivers see patterns pattern recognition Perception impacts the way we treat other people Expectations in Social Interaction o Always treat employees like best you ve ever had Choose Your Perceptions Carefully o To build successful relationships managers must Treat each employee with respect Demonstrate care and concern o How do you build relationships when you don t like all your employees Strategies 1 Act as if 2 Find one thing you like respect about that person 3 Use your faith How We Perceive People Theories that happy when we observe others behaviors o 1 Attribution Theory Tendency to judge observed behavior We judge all the time Internally caused behavior under your control Externally caused behavior due to outside factors not your fault Attribution Theory Errors Biases o Once we identify our biases we can control them o 2 Fundamental attribution error Overestimate the influence of internal factors Typically applied to our judgment of others We cut people too much slack o Self serving bias o Attribute successes to internal factors o Blame failures on external factors o Typically applied to self judgments Shortcuts Used in Judging Others o Assumed Similarity Assuming that others are more like us than they actually are o Stereotyping Judging someone on the basis of our perception of a group they are a part of o Halo Horn Effect Forming a general impression of a person on the basis of a single characteristic Characteristic of an individual Learning o Always Involves change o Is relatively permanent o Is acquired through experience Learning Process Competence Model o Ignorance is bliss Management Bookshelf o Building the Bridge as You Walk On It Which of the Additional Personality Insights discussed in the text p 382 383 will best support the eight practices for entering the fundamental state of leadership Locus of Control Self esteem What MBTI personality categories support the eight practices for entering the fundamental state of leadership e g S vs N J vs P etc o If a manager believes that all attractive employees are also productive employees the manager is committing a judgment bias error based on halo effect True False Chapter 13 Managing Teams Learning Outline o Describe the five stages of group development o Explain the major components that determine group performance and satisfaction o Discuss how group structure components influence group behavior o Define group think Abilene paradox and social loafing o Describe the relationship between group cohesion and productivity o Explain importance of prototyping to team success o Define the 3 types of conflict and describe the role conflict plays in group performance o Identify the 5 approaches to conflict management when to use each and ways to manage conflict within groups o Compare groups and teams o Explain why teams have become so popular Why Use Groups and Teams o Think Pair Share Two together can accomplish more than two separately When is this statement true Understanding teams When is this statement not true Why People Join Groups naturally wired to want to live work in groups Bring part of a group meets needs Reason Affiliation Reduce the insecurity of standing alone feel stronger fewer self doubts and more resistant to threats Inclusion in a group viewed by outsiders as important provides recognition and status Provides feelings of self worth to group members in addition to conveying status to outsiders Fulfills social needs Enjoys regular interaction can be primary source for fulfilling need for affiliation Power What cannot be achieved individually often becomes possible power in numbers Goal achievement Some tasks require more than one person need to pool talents knowledge or power to complete the job In such instances management may rely on the use of a formal group Security Status Self esteem Benefits 5 Stages of Group Development o FORMING harmony around similarities All you see is how you are alike Get structure set up o STORMING conflict around differences team production individual production about halfway to your deliverable theory of punctuated equilibrium o NORMING integration understanding team production individual production o PERFORMING

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