ACCT 201 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Straight Line Depreciation II Activity Base III Double Declining Outline of Current Lecture IV V VI Straight Line Depreciation Activity Base Double Declining cont Current Lecture P5 3B from book Straight line Cost Salvage years useful life 80 000 20 000 60 000 6 000 year 10 A L 6000 Accum Dep 10 SE 6000 Dep Exp Activity Method Cost Salvage Est total activity 80 000 20 000 200 000 Double declining 2 useful life 0 30 x 24 000 7 200 0 3 mile 2 10 2 OR 20 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Current value x rate Year 1 80 000 x 20 16 000 dep year 1 Year 2 64 000 x 20 12 800 year 2 Year 3 51 200 x 20 10 240 year 3 80 000 16 000 64 000 12 800 51 200 Beg Year 3 useful life remaining was adj to 5 years not 8 Cost 80 000 Accum Dep 12 000 After 2 years 6 000 x 2 68 000 current value Cost Salvage years useful life 68 000 20 000 5 48 000 5 9 600 year
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