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This study source was downloaded by 100000834967181 from CourseHero com on 12 23 2022 05 29 24 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 138033127 DLP week 5 CIRCULAR Permutationdocx B MATH 10 LESSON PLANDetailed LessonPlanSchool Aparri East National High SchoolGrade Level 10Student Teacher Maria Hosanna PalorLearning Area MATHEMATICSCooperating Teacher Daisy Rose R UrsuaCooperating Principal Jonah Joyce R UrbiTeaching Time Date March Quarter ThirdI ObjectivesA Content StandardDemonstrates understanding of key concepts of combinatorics and probability B Performance StandardIs able to use precise counting technique and probability in formulating conclusions and making decisions C Learning Competenciesa Illustrate the permutation of objects b Derives the formula for finding the numbers of permutations of n objects taken r at a time D Learning ObjectivesAt the end of the session the learners will have been able to a Define circular permutation b Determine the circular permutation of n objects c Solve word problems on circular permutations II ContentCircular PermutationsIII Learning ResourcesReferencesa Mathematics 10 LAS for Grade 10 Mathematicsb Learner s Module Pages 283 300c Additional Learning ResourcesOther Learning Resources Materialsa PowerPoint presentationb Google MeetIV ProceduresTeacher s ActivityStudents Activity1 Routinary ActivitiesGood morning Grade 10 How is your day Can I expect everyone s participation fortoday Good morning Ma am We are fine ma am Yes ma am This study source was downloaded by 100000834967181 from CourseHero com on 12 23 2022 05 29 24 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 138033127 DLP week 5 CIRCULAR Permutationdocx Thank you Before we start let us pray first Lesterwill you lead the prayerPlease be reminded you of our virtualclassroom etiquette Present the different virtual classroomrules Class may I request everyone to type yourname and section to the chat box for yourattendance Lester will lead a prayer 2 ActivityLet s have an activity entitled Guess the Pictures It is to be done individually Directions Identify what word being described by the following photos below 1 PIZZA2 RING3 CLOCK4 EXPECTED ANSWERS1 PIZZA2 RING3 CLOCK4 ROUND TABLE5 BOWL6 DONUT7 BUTTONS8 FERRIS WHEEL9 BASKETBALL BALL10 CIRCULAR This study source was downloaded by 100000834967181 from CourseHero com on 12 23 2022 05 29 24 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 138033127 DLP week 5 CIRCULAR Permutationdocx ROUND TABLE5 BOWL6 DONUT7 BUTTONS8 FERRIS WHEEL9 BASKETBALLBALL10 CIRCULAR This study source was downloaded by 100000834967181 from CourseHero com on 12 23 2022 05 29 24 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 138033127 DLP week 5 CIRCULAR Permutationdocx 3 AnalysisBased on the activity what is our topic todayVery Good Who can define what is Circular Permutation That s right let s consider this situation 1 Ana Bea Che and Daisy went to a dinner party In how many ways canthey be seated around a circular table How did you come up with your answer Another Example2 In how many ways can eight people be seated at a round table We can solve the permutation of n objects in a circleBy using the formula P n 1 then substitutes the value of n ma amP n 1 n 1 About Circular Permutation ma amCircular Permutation is simply an arrangement of objects in a circle ma am 6 ways ma amUsing the formula ma am P n 1 This study source was downloaded by 100000834967181 from CourseHero com on 12 23 2022 05 29 24 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 138033127 DLP week 5 CIRCULAR Permutationdocx n 1 8 1 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 040waysVery Good Find the number of ways in which 5 people A B C D and E can be seated at a round table such that i A and B always sit together ii C and D never sit together In how many ways can 3 men and 3 women be seated at around table such that no two men sit together Any questions or clarifications on the topic before we proceed to our next activity Thank YouNone ma am4 AbstractionWho can recall what we discussed Very Good Who can define circular permutation Very good Why do we use n 1 In circular permutation That s correct Well saidAbout circular permutation ma amCircular Permutation is simply an arrangement of objects in a circle ma am Because two circular permutations are considered same if every object is shifted one place in the same direction ma am This study source was downloaded by 100000834967181 from CourseHero com on 12 23 2022 05 29 24 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 138033127 DLP week 5 CIRCULAR Permutationdocx On this picture how do you connect yourself in a cycle of human being Our life is like a cycle sometimes we are below and sometimes we are above similarto that in that picture wherein the cycle of human being and the process on how we arrange our life in a circular manner Answer may vary 5 ApplicationI think you are now ready for our nextactivity Let s begin SOLVE ME 1 In how many ways can 6 people be seated at a round table 2 In how many ways can 9 keys be arranged in a key 3 In how many ways can 12 beads be arranged on a bracket 4 In how many ways can 5 persons be seated around a circular table 5 In how many ways can 4 children together with their mother and father sit on a round table II Give this Problem Alden Richards decided to treat hisdabarkadz Yaya Dub Lola Nidora LolaTinidora and Lola Tidora at a restaurant In the restaurant they occupied a roundtable with 6 chairs In how many ways canthey arrange themselves ANSWER 1 120 WAYS2 40 320 WAYS3 39 916 800 WAYS4 24 WAYS5 6 WAYSExpected Answer120 ways6 Evaluation This study source was downloaded by 100000834967181 from CourseHero com on 12 23 2022 05 29 24 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 138033127 DLP week 5 CIRCULAR Permutationdocx 1 In how many ways can 6 people be arranged in a circle if 2 particular people must always be together 2 Four teachers and 4 students are seated in a circular discussion group Find the number of ways this can be done if teachers and students must be seated alternately 3 In a playground 3 sisters and 8 othergirls are playing together In a particular game how many ways canall the girls be seated in a circular order so that the three sisters are notseated together 7 AssignmentDirections Determine the number of arrangements in a circle 1 Eleven points lie on the circumference of a circle How many inscribed triangles can be drawn having these points as vertices 2 In how many ways can 7 keys be arranged on a ring 3 In how many ways can 5 girls and 5 boys be seated

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AENHS MATH 10 - DLP Week 5

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