Assignment 1 Chapter 1 Looking at Data Distributions Problems 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 Data distributions pp 1 7 Cases 1 2 3 4 on the chart below Variables lastname firstnam q1 q2 q3 etc Values The numbers entered below variable names Label identifies what a variable depicts Example q1 might be labeled first quiz abs may be labeled number of absences fin might be labeled final exam Categorical different categories e g gender male female denomination Baptist Catholic Muslim Jewish etc Quantitative Contain numbers that range from low to high for each variable Examples Each of the quizzes range from 0 17 mid ranges from 1 80 total ranges from 0 400 percent ranges from 0 to 100 Key characteristics of data set The three questions Who What Why Example Who Students in the 2008 Developmental Psychology class What All scored items during the semester including total points and percentages Why To determine student performance for the semester Homework problems 1 11 p 7 How would you rank cities Various organizations rank cities and produce lists of the 10 or the 100 best cities based on various measures Create a list of criteria that you would use to rank cities to determine where you might like to live Include at least eight variables Identify whether each variable is Quantitative Q or Categorical C Rate how important each is to you personally Quantitative or Categorical 5 4 Very important Importance 3 2 5 2 1 Not so important Variable 1 Number of tourist attractions 2 Quality of public transportation 3 Low Crime Rate 4 Good Houses 200K 5 Cost of living 30 ile 6 Snow on ground 2 mo per year 7 Job Market 8 Starting salary in X 100k Q Q Q C C C Q C 5 5 3 5 3 5 5 1 11 p 8 Survey of students A survey of students in an Intro to Statistics course are asked the following questions listed in the Variable column below Classify variables as Quantitative Q or Categorical C provide possible range of values Variable 1 Age Quant or Cat Possible range of values 12 93 Q 3 Play a musical instrument no a little pretty well no a little pretty well 2 Like to sing yes no 4 How much spent on food in a typical month 5 Height inches or centimeters C C Q Q Yes no 0 15 000 3 6 7 6 1 12 p 8 What questions would you ask Refer to the previous exercise Make up your own survey with at least six questions Including at least two quantitative and two categorical Include possible range of values Notice that problem 2 includes very strange set of questions to ask Statistics students In order for questions to make sense there must be an objective for the survey Examples a How satisfied were you with the Statistics course you just completed b What factors influence a student s likelihood of success in a Statistics course c Rate the instructor s effectiveness at teaching a Statistics course What is the objective of your 6 item survey Identify questions in the chart below that might accomplish this objective Variable 1 Attendance Quant or Cat Possible range of values 0 42 Q 2 Motivation 3 Study 2 hr per week 4 Math aptitude 5 Attention Span 6 Sleep 6 hours per night Q C Q Q C 1 9 Yes no 1 99 3 sec to 2 hours Yes no 1 13 p 8 How would you rate colleges Describe five variables that would be important to you when choosing a college or university to complete your studies Give reasons for importance of each item Variable Quant or Cat Why is this important to you 1 Academic Resources Want a school able to meet my needs 2 Academic Programs Ensures I can study my major 3 Graduation Rate Schools with high grad rates provide better job opportunities 4 Cost and Financial Aid Keeps education affordable and reduces debt 5 Campus Environment Creates a supportive and inclusive atmosphere Q C Q Q C
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