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Teaching Reasoning through Introductory Physics Lab Experiments Introduction There is a lot more to physics than concepts and equations This lab course is designed to help you learn how to develop a reliable understanding of the physical world how to devise and test scienti c knowledge claims and how to communicate scienti c ideas with other people The lab course is based on three main ideas 1 2 3 Making and comparing measurements labs 1 3 and 10 11 Using graphs to nd mathematical relationships labs 4 6 and 12 13 Building models of complex phenomena labs 7 9 and 14 17 In this lab course you will learn essential skills and ideas in Pre Lab Readings Each pre lab reading is followed by a Pre Lab Quiz which you must complete before the start of your lab period During the lab you will practice those skills while conducting experimental work by following the Instructions Together with your lab partner s you will submit a Lab Report at the end of your lab period The lab report consists of 2 items that you will need to submit for each lab such as a paragraph length answers to questions descriptions of your experimental procedure graphs data or photos Every few labs you will conduct an Investigation Investigations are more open ended than labs giving you a chance to devise your own experimental procedure and demonstrate your new skills For investigations your lab report needs to be more comprehensive typically including a description of your procedure data a conclusion and other elements During your experimental work you will be supported by an instructor Your instructor will deliver a brief introductory lecture at the start of your lab period So don t be late At two points during each lab but not investigations you will have a conversation with your instructor about your progress This is called a Checkpoint In addition please feel free to ask your instructor for help or advice at any time as you work through this lab course This lab course was written following best practices Kozminski et al 2017 for introductory experimental physics One part of that is making lab courses accessible Dounas Frazer et al 2021 While this lab course was designed to be as universally accessible as possible there will still be barriers for some students For that reason each lab includes an Accessibility Notes section with advice and resources for students who may require additional layers of accessibility Since these labs are about experimental physics you will not need to know any physics concepts in order to complete your lab reports In a few cases where they are needed physics concepts are introduced in the pre lab readings Thus the labs will not be aligned with your physics lectures However please feel free to use any physics concepts that you think may be relevant if that helps you complete your lab work Your work will be graded using a 5 point rubric In brief expect to receive 3 points if your work has major issues 4 points if your work is mostly correct but has one or two shortcomings missing units incorrect formatting etc and 5 points if your work is complete and correct Page 1 Teaching Reasoning through Introductory Physics Lab Experiments Table of Contents Lab 1 Helicopters Lab 2 Fan Carts Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Instructions Lab 3 Pulled Carts Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Investigation A Pendulums Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 4 Pinocchio Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 5 Coffee Filters Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 6 Ramps Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Investigation B Waves Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 7 Balances Lab 8 Spinners Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 9 Greenhouse Effect Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 10 Sticky Tape Instructions Lab 11 Voltmeters Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Investigation D Conductive Paper Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 12 Capacitors Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 13 Nichrome Wires Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Investigation E Magnetic Fields Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 14 Batteries Lab 15 LEDs Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 16 Magnetic Forces Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 17 Light Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Lab 18 EMF Sensors Pre Lab Reading Pre lab Quiz Instructions Page 2 Teaching Reasoning through Introductory Physics Lab Experiments 1 Being 10 20 minutes late will result in a deduction in your nal grade for that lab Being 20 minutes late or more will result in an deduction in your nal grade for that lab and you may be required to conduct the lab on your own if all groups have started working by your arrival General Lab Policy Quiz 30 50 10 40 10 80 30 80 2 Which labs may you attend Only the lab I m registered for except for the makeup lab which I can attend any lab Any lab as long as I ask the lab TA Any lab at the same time as your registered lab Only the lab I am registered for 3 There is a pre lab quiz for every lab except 4 If you are registered for the wrong section of lab on Kendall Hunt what steps must you take Lab 4 Investigation A Lab 8 Lab 1 Contact my TA directly Contact my lecture professor Conduct the labs on the wrong KH section Contact the lab Coordinator Page 3 Teaching Reasoning through Introductory Physics Lab Experiments Lab 1 Helicopters Instructions In this lab you will make paper helicopters and measure the time it takes for them to fall a given distance Broader question to be address in this lab Speci c learning objectives for this lab How can you manage errors in an experiment so that you can draw a reasonable conclusion De ne accuracy and precision De ne types of measurement outliers and know how they should be handled Develop an experiment that is repeatable and minimizes error Use nPlot to plot data sets so that you can compare experimental results and draw conclusions Write a report that describes your experiment addresses issues of repeatability and error and defends your conclusion Before you get started with that however we want to talk for a few minutes about learning physics Part A Talking about Learning Physics i Writing Your instructor will hand you a piece of paper Please write an answer to the following prompt by yourself without sharing with your lab partner or anyone else at this time Your

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UA PHYS 102 - Teaching Reasoning through Introductory Physics Lab Experiments

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