This study source was downloaded by 100000843851461 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2022 22 32 23 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95264457 MODULE 11 12 WPS Officedocx POLANGUI COMMUNITY COLLEGEPOLANGUI ALBAYPROFESSIONALEDUCATION 9Module 11 and Module 12OutputJeanylyn S BercasioBSED FILIPINO 2AMrs Loida NasInstructor This study source was downloaded by 100000843851461 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2022 22 32 23 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95264457 MODULE 11 12 WPS Officedocx MODULE 11Curriculum evaluation Innovation and ChangeV ASSESSMENT Deepen your knowledge and understanding of curriculum evaluation by doing the following activities ACTIVITY 1 Add more to concepts views and definitions of curriculum evaluation presented and discussed in this chapter bydoing all library research and searching the internet Use the table below to highlight specific information called for and present brief discussion below the table CURRICULARIST EDUCATIONISTCONCEPT OF CURRICULUMVIEWS ABOUT CURRICULUMFOCUS OF DEFINING CURRICULUMJohn White A phrase in theprocess of constructing and reconstructingcurriculum It s purpose isto see wether curriculum objectives are being or have been achieved If modification inthem can be made if necessary Gatawa 1990 The totality of the experiences of children for which schools are responsible He she be able to use his her head heart and hands as such it should embrace cognitive affectiveand psychomotor objectives The process of describing and judging an educational programme or subject and defining obtaining and using relevant information for decision making This study source was downloaded by 100000843851461 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2022 22 32 23 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95264457 MODULE 11 12 WPS Officedocx purposes ACTIVITY 2 Look for other models of curriculum evaluation and identify each of the models distinguishing features Use the suggested table below CURRICULUM MODELORIGIN OF THE MODEL WHO DEVELOPED THE MODEL AND WHEN IT WAS DEVELOPED DISTINGUISHING FEATURES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MODELCIPP Model Daniel Stufflebeamand Colleagues 1960 s Context Input Process and ProductTABA MODEL or GRASSROOT MODEL Hilda Taba a curriculartheorist reformer and aneducator Developed in 1951 Diagnosis of needs Formulationof objectives Selection of content Organization of contentTYLERS OBJECTIVESCENTERED MODEL Develop by Ralph Tylerknown as the Father of Evolution Developed in 1949 Compromised of four major parts a Defining objectives of the learningexperience b Identifying learning activities for meeting the defined objectives c Organizing the learning activities for attaining the defined objectivesd Assessing and evaluating the learning experiences REFLECTION As we tackle about curriculum models I think the main goal of this is to ensure that this curriculum promotes better learning for the students And it is also the way or an idea to allow there selves to pursue in order to gain more learnings in what the teachers thought to them and also by assessing there learning experiences I learned that all of this is a guide or tool that we used to have a better learnings MODULE 12 This study source was downloaded by 100000843851461 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2022 22 32 23 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95264457 MODULE 11 12 WPS Officedocx Curriculum Change and InnovationV ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY 1 What do researchers say about change and innovation in curriculum From the most recent researchers published in local and foreign research journals find out and examine specific changes innovations in curriculum State the significant impact such change innovation mayhave to Philippine education in general and to Philippine curriculumin particular RESEARCH TITLE AUTHORAND PUBLISHER DATECHANGE INNOVATION INTRODUCEDIN DRAWN FROM THE RESEARCH ARTICLEASPECT OF THE CURRICULUM INVOLVEDEXPECTED RESULT OR OUTCOME OF THE CHANGE INNOVATIONIMPLICATION TO PHILIPPINEEDUCATIONCurriculumChange and InnovationShirley S Y YeungJohn T S LanAnthony W L LeungYou Chun Lo Change in Curriculum Design Change in Curriculum Planning Theoretical Foundation Solving problems of contemporary society and their influence on the curriculum Imroved curriculuminnovations This study source was downloaded by 100000843851461 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2022 22 32 23 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95264457 MODULE 11 12 WPS Officedocx ACTIVITY 2 Assume that your school will introduce blended instruction using module system and the usual face to face instructional delivery What would you identify as the agents of this innovation Justify INNOVATION CHANGEAGENTS OF INNOVATIONJUSTIFICATIONBlended Instruction Schools The method of instruction will be followed by all schools Module System School Heads They are the managers of the school system as a whole Face to FaceInstructional Delivery Teachers They teach so they decide how to deliver what they teach User SystemAdjustment Students The change is also directed at them they must have a voteand voice in the matter ACTIVITY 3 From your knowledge and understanding of curriculum change and innovation identify specific features that distinguish change from innovation in the context of curriculum implementation and evaluation CURRICULUM CONTEXTCHANGEINNOVATIONIMPLEMENTATION Adjusting ways ofImplementation New ways of ImplementationEVALUATION Adjusting ways of Evaluation New ways of Evaluation This study source was downloaded by 100000843851461 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2022 22 32 23 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95264457 MODULE 11 12 WPS Officedocx ACTIVITY 4 Change and innovation curriculum require specific strategies Using the strategies described in this module describe each of the strategies in terms of their respective basic features and when to use STRATEGIES FOR CURRICULUM CHANGE ANDINNOVATIONBASIC FEATURES DESCRIPTION OF THE STRATEGYWHEN TO USE THE STRATEGYParticipative problemsolving strategy Focuses on the usersof change and Innovation Addressing the needs of the users Planned linkages Allows the use of intermediate agencies Linking collaborationbetween users Coercive strategies Strategy in accordance with existing legal provisions Cooperating with authorities and existing laws Open input strategies Makes use of ideas and resources from all sources For times when flexibility openness and pragmatism is needed THANK YOU AND KEEP SAFE This study source was downloaded by 100000843851461 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2022 22 32
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