This study source was downloaded by 100000845781315 from CourseHero com on 04 20 2022 02 13 26 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 69743381 Lab report The DC Compound Generatordocx MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AT LAGUNAAcademic Year 2018 2019EE108L A37DC AC MACHINERY LABORATORY Experiment 3THE DC COMPOUND GENERATORLeader COLINARES KURT JESTER S Member BRIONES AIRAOLIVEROS CARLOSMUSTAZA MARY GRACECASTILLO KYLE JOSEFQUIDATO LOUBELLEVALDUEZA MARK JONATHANCAPUSO RENNIELPEREZ MARK LEONARD BELOSTRINO RAMSHALLHERNAEZ NEIL CHESTERDATE PERFORMED MARCH 21 2019DATE SUBMITTED MARCH 28 2019 This study source was downloaded by 100000845781315 from CourseHero com on 04 20 2022 02 13 26 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 69743381 Lab report The DC Compound Generatordocx Introduction The DC Compound Generator is the generator that has three characteristic curves the flat compounded were the no load and the full load is equal voltage the under compounded were the full load voltage is lower than the no load voltage because of power loss in armature core effect of armature reaction and weakening of flux and lastly the over compounded were it is capacitive that the full load has a higher voltage than the no load Objectives To study the properties of compound DC generators under no load and full load conditions To learn how to connect both the compound and differential compound generators To obtain armature voltage vs armature current load curves for both generators Data and results4 C Note if the Ea builds up oNo because the stator is demagnitize E Measure the open circuit armature voltage oEa 164 3 Vdc5 Vary the field rheostat and notice if the armature voltage Ea changes oYes if the field rheostat increases the Ea decreases because its creating the resistance to thefield 7 D Calculate and record the power for each of the resistance shown in table 9 1Rl ohms Ia amps Ea volts POWER watts 012006000 2119 23000 39117 62000 55115 9 This study source was downloaded by 100000845781315 from CourseHero com on 04 20 2022 02 13 26 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 69743381 Lab report The DC Compound Generatordocx 1500 72113 61200 91111 91001 09109 7801 30106 1751 39104 78 B Complete the drawing shown in Figure 9 3 showing your proposed circuit change 10 D Calculate and record the power for each of he resistance shown Table 9 2RL ohms IA amps EA volts POWER watts 03206000 09343 063000 1313 12000 15304 51500 17203 41200 22041000 2183 6800 22153 3750 23143 22Review Qustions This study source was downloaded by 100000845781315 from CourseHero com on 04 20 2022 02 13 26 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 69743381 Lab report The DC Compound Generatordocx 1 State which procedure 7 or 10 is concerned with a The differential compound generatorProcedure 10b The compound generatorProcedure 72 Plot the EA vs IA regulation curve on the graph of figure 9 4 Use the data from table 9 2 3 Over the voltage range is the armature current nearly constant in the differential compound generator From 0 17 V dc to 0 2 V dc 4 Plot the EA vs IA regulation curve on the graph of figure 9 5 Use the data from table 9 1 This study source was downloaded by 100000845781315 from CourseHero com on 04 20 2022 02 13 26 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 69743381 Lab report The DC Compound Generatordocx 5 Calculate the regulation from no load to full load 1A dc for the compound generator VR Vnl VflVfl 100 120 104 7104 7 100 Regulation 14 61 6 Compare the regulation of the compound generator with regulation of the self excited generator and the separately excited generator The voltage regulation of compound generator is near the self excited generator butthe DC separately excited shunt generator is much higher voltage regulation 7 Explain briefly why the voltage does not drop with increasing load for the compound generator This study source was downloaded by 100000845781315 from CourseHero com on 04 20 2022 02 13 26 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 69743381 Lab report The DC Compound Generatordocx The voltage does not drop with increasing load for the compound generator becauseof the some factors like power loss and low commutation decrease of flux But in this experiment the graph shows that the characteristic curve is under compound It is higher than the separately excited and self excited generator in FL condition because the voltage come from the outside source that is why you can control the flux This study source was downloaded by 100000845781315 from CourseHero com on 04 20 2022 02 13 26 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 69743381 Lab report The DC Compound Generatordocx Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org Colinares Kurt Jester S EE108Interpretation of results This experiment focuses in DC compound generators Examining the characteristic curve if it is under compound flat compound and over compound The student if there is magnetization in the field or demagnetize And changing the connection to series field only so that the armature current flows through it in opposite direction Comparing differential compound generator and a compound generator Conclusion The DC compound generator has three characteristic curve the under compound flat compound and the over compound You can control the flux of compound generator from the outside source The cause of the no load to full load is power los in armature effect of armature reaction and weakening of flux
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