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This study source was downloaded by 100000812960546 from CourseHero com on 02 03 2022 23 18 54 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 95388204 SLHT G9 BEAUTY CARE 3rd Quarter WEEK 1pdf SELF LEARNING HOME TASK SLHT IN BEAUTY CARE Subject TLE Grade 9 Quarter 3rd Week 1 MELC Select and prepare appropriate sanitized tools and equipment supplies and materials are according to salon procedures Competency Code TLE HEBC9 12PMPIII IVa r 5 Name Section Date School District A Readings Discussion Equipment Implements Cosmetics and Materials Used in Manicuring Pedicuring Equipment and Implements articles in manicuring that are durable Cosmetics and Materials supplies that are consumed and must be replaced Equipment Used in Manicuring pedicuring Pictures Description Uses Manicuring table and adjustable lamp A manicure table is a workstation of any variety at which a manicurist nail technician does her work Patron s chair and manicurist s chair or stool The adjustable upholstered seat fitted over a metal or chrome Supply tray Used for holding cosmetics Finger bowl Used for holding warm and soapy water This study source was downloaded by 100000812960546 from CourseHero com on 02 03 2022 23 18 54 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 95388204 SLHT G9 BEAUTY CARE 3rd Quarter WEEK 1pdf Container For clean absorbent cotton Electric heater For heating oil when giving a hot oil a hot oil manicure Wet sanitizer container Wet sanitizer container Implements Used in Manicuring pedicuring Pictures Description Uses Orangewood sticks Wooden manicure sticks intended for a variety of uses such as cleaning underneath the nails and removing polish from around the cuticle and nails Nail file Used for shaping the free edge of the nails Cuticle pusher Used to push back or loosen the cuticle Cuticle nippers or cuticle scissors Used for trimming the cuticle Nail brush Small plastic brush used to cleanse the hand and nails of debris Emery board A wooden sand paper like stick with a fine texture on one side and a coarse texture on the other side used to gently grind down the edges of the nails Nail buffer It has two grits on one side and a smooth gray material on the other side The smooth side is used to give a glossy shine to nails when polished The coarse side is used to smoothen irregular nail ridges This study source was downloaded by 100000812960546 from CourseHero com on 02 03 2022 23 18 54 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 95388204 SLHT G9 BEAUTY CARE 3rd Quarter WEEK 1pdf Nail clippers or nail cutter Metal device used to cut or shorten fingernails and toenails Cosmetics Used in Manicuring pedicuring Pictures Description Uses Base coat Liquid product applied directly to the nails to protect these against stains from the pigments in colored nail polishes Color enamels Applied twice over the base coat to give strength and color to the nail plate Top coat A liquid product applied over the color enamels This product protects the polish and minimizes its chipping and cracking Quick dry An oil product sprayed or brushed over the top coat to quicken the drying process Nail polish remover Used to remove old nail polish on the nail Nail polish solvent Used to thin out nail polish when it has thickened Cuticle oil Used to soften and lubricate the skin around the nail Cuticle remover Used to soften the cuticle Nail bleaches Used to remove nail stains This study source was downloaded by 100000812960546 from CourseHero com on 02 03 2022 23 18 54 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 95388204 SLHT G9 BEAUTY CARE 3rd Quarter WEEK 1pdf Nail whiteners Applied under the free edge to make the tips look whiter Massage cream Used to prevent friction burns during a massage and to soften and moisturize the skin Materials Used in Manicuring pedicuring Pictures Description Uses Absorbent cotton Used for application of cosmetics to the nails Soap Used for finger bath Warm water Used for finger bath Sanitized towel Can be placed under a client s hand for a soft clean surface during manicures and can be used as a wiping aid Cleansing tissue For use whenever necessary Antiseptic Used to avoid infection when minor injuries to tissues surrounding the nails occur Disinfectant Used for sanitizing implements and for disinfecting the manicuring table Spatula Used for removing creams from jars B Exercises Exercise 1 Directions Match the word in column A with its description in column B Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for Column A Column B This study source was downloaded by 100000812960546 from CourseHero com on 02 03 2022 23 18 54 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 95388204 SLHT G9 BEAUTY CARE 3rd Quarter WEEK 1pdf 1 Cuticle Nipper A A tool used to push back or to loosen the cuticles 2 Cuticle Pusher B Metal device used for cutting trimming fingernails and toenails 3 Nail Cutter C A liquid product used to remove old nail polish 4 Nail File D A tool used for cutting the cuticle 5 Nail Polish Remover E It is used for shaping the free edge of the fingernails and toenails Exercise 2 Direction Complete the sentence below RUBRIC FOR ESSAY Content The content was well thought 4 Organization The paper was well written with ideas easily conveyed to readers 3 Development Points are thoroughly developed 3 Total 10 Having a complete tools materials and equipment used in manicure and pedicure services is important because This study source was downloaded by 100000812960546 from CourseHero com on 02 03 2022 23 18 54 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 95388204 SLHT G9 BEAUTY CARE 3rd Quarter WEEK 1pdf C Assessment Application Outputs Please refer to DepEd Order No 31 s 2020 Directions Identify the name of the materials cosmetics implements and equipment used in manicure pedicure services Write E if it is equipment M if it is material I if it is implements and C if it is cosmetic Write your answer on the space provided for Equipment implements cosmetics and materials used in manicure Name Classification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 This study source was downloaded by 100000812960546 from CourseHero com on 02 03 2022 23 18 54 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 95388204 SLHT G9 BEAUTY CARE 3rd Quarter WEEK 1pdf Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org 9 10 D Suggested Enrichment Reinforcement Activity ies Directions Summarize your learning about tools materials and equipment used in manicure pedicure services by writing the following A Three 3 things you have learned about the lesson B Two 2 important facts about the importance of

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