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Healthy Diet Chapter 1 Nutrients Both present and absent Moderation Inclusion and risk Where do you lack variety I ate oatmeal and protein cereal for dinner the other night which was exclusively carbs and lacking any real nutrients Epidemiology relationships patterns not cause and effect Correlational Two or more factors occurring together Prevalence how many people are experiencing the illness Observational studies case control studies compares individuals Intervention Studies Clinical Trials funded by Organizations like National Institute of Health Might use rats mice Experimental studies involves manipulation Observation and measurement Contains a control group as well usual care non treatment Experimental group receives treatment Laboratory Studies Pig very similar to humans Cells human or animal Might use different animals for different experiments Cows four stomach like chambers Small animals shorter lifespan reproduce rapidly inexpensive Approaches biochemistry or molecular biology Goals Protect rights of both animals and humans Avoid harm Studies with human subjects Institutional Review Board Risk vs Benefit Oral and written explanation Informed consent obtained Anecdotal Evidence unreliable information that is applicable to the general public Scientific experiments reliable due to the rigor of the scientific method that provides measurable data that is guaranteed to be repeated What s the Source Selling something Personal story opinion Who can you believe Reasonable Claim research where it came from Government recommendation Health professionals Research study News story commercial Single blind study vs double blind study Subjects and researchers both do not know what is being done to each participant Chapter 2 DNI Dietary Reference Intake Nutrient Intake Recommendations Energy Intake Recommendations Recommended Dietary Allowances RDA Adequate Intakes AI EAR estimated average requirement meeting the needs of 50 of people who Tolerable Upper Limit TUL fall into a particular life stage simple adequacy RDAs 97 88 of healthy people How is it determined take into consideration EAR and add the variability of the human body s needs Tolerable Upper Intake Levels ULs Unlikely to be an adverse health risk Purpose limiting intake and toxicity How is it determined found by observing adverse affects of different nutrients in humans Adequate Intakes Estimate of a nutrient when there is not enough evidence to establish EAR or RDA Estimated Energy Requirements EERs Average energy intakes considering gender age weight height and physical activity Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range AMDR Provides intake ranges for energy yielding nutrients Expressed as of total energy intake Allows for flexibility in food selection choices based on preference Associated with reduced risk of chronic disease Application of Dietary reference Intakes Meal prep in schools Hospitals Care facilities Government programs for the elderly Meals for astronauts Chapter 3 Government document Frequency of updates Recommendations about overall diet and lifestyle choices that promote health Ages 2 Following healthy eating pattern across lifespan Making shift in food and beverage choices to achieve a healthy eating pattern Urging all segments of society to play a role in supporting healthy eating Following a healthy Eating Pattern Combination of foods beverages that make up intake over time Has potential for promoting health vs any individual food component in Enjoy foods based on personal and cultural preferences within budget isolation Shift to Healthier Choices Healthy Weight Exercise recommendations Decreasing energy intake Reduce portion size Limit added sugar Limit solid fats Limit alcohol Include vegetables from all subgroups Use fat free or low fat dairy products Use a variety of protein foods including sea food lean meat poultry eggs legumes and nuts seeds and soy products Added sugars 10 of calories Saturated Fats 10 of calories Sodium 2300 mg day Ecological factors in Food Choice for me Priorities Lifestyle Body Image

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UConn NUSC 1165 - Healthy Diet-Chapter 1

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