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CMSC351 Kruskal Homework 2 Due Friday February 21 2023 Problem 1 In NP1 we found an e cient algorithm that nds the smallest and largest values in a list of size n where n is a power of 2 In this problem we will generalize the algorithm to work for all n NOTE We are looking for standard algorithms not comparison networks a n even b n odd i Give an algorithm that nds the smallest and largest values in a list of size n where n is even Minimize the number of comparisons ii Analyze the exact number of comparisons i Give an algorithm that nds the smallest and largest values in a list of size n where n is odd Minimize the number of comparisons ii Analyze the exact number of comparisons c Give a single formula for the exact number of comparisons independent of whether n is even or odd In other words the formula should not have cases Problem 2 Consider the following selection sort like algorithm In the rst iteration nd the smallest and largest values and put them at the beginning and the end of the list respectively In the second iteration nd the second smallest and second largest values and put them next to the beginning and next to the end of the list respectively In the third iteration nd the third smallest and third largest values and put them into their proper locations Etc a Write the pseudo code for this version of selection sort Assume that you have a method as developed in Problem 1 MinMaxIndices A p r that returns the indices of the smallest and largest values in A p r Make your algorithm e cient with respect to number of comparisons b Analyze the exact number of comparisons for n even c Analyze the exact number of comparisons for n odd Problem 3 Given two sorted arrays A and B each of size n we know that a worst case for merging the two lists into one sorted list C occurs when the two lists are interleaved Give two simple functions f 0 1 2 n 1 0 1 2 2n 1 g 0 1 2 n 1 0 1 2 2n 1 and so that f i gives the interleaved position of the ith value of A in the sorted list C and g i gives the interleaved position of the ith value of B in the sorted list C Assume that A 0 B 0 For example if A 10 30 50 70 and B 20 40 60 80 the two lists would be interleaved to give C 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Do not justify CMSC351 Kruskal Homework 2 Due Friday February 21 2023 Problem 4 Bonus problem 10 points You must do this problem yourself without help Given a list of distinct values we de ne the rank of a value to be the number of values that are smaller than it so the smallest value has rank 0 the second smallest value has rank 1 etc Give a simple function f 0 1 2 n 1 0 1 2 n 1 where n is a power of 2 so that if the value with rank i is in position f i and the list is sorted using Mergesort every merge will interleave the values in the two lists being merged We also require that rst value comes from the left list which implies that the second value comes from the right list etc For example a list of eight elements should start in the order 10 50 30 70 20 60 40 80 When 10 50 is merged with 30 70 the two list will be interleaved giving 10 30 50 70 When 20 60 is merged with 40 80 the two list will be interleaved giving 20 40 60 80 Finally when 10 30 50 70 is merged with 20 40 60 80 the two list will be interleaved giving the nal sorted order Brie y explain how you got the answer You do not need to justify Problem 6 Challenge Problem will not be graded Do Problem 4 for general n Page 2 of 2

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