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This study source was downloaded by 100000839607278 from CourseHero com on 02 10 2022 00 44 22 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 111596398 Mini Marketing Research Paperdocx Mini Marketing Research Online Shopping Perspectiveof 11 ABM Blance Students ofSan Rafael National HighSchool This study source was downloaded by 100000839607278 from CourseHero com on 02 10 2022 00 44 22 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 111596398 Mini Marketing Research Paperdocx Table of ContentsIntroduction 1Statement of the Problem 2Research Objectives 2Research Methodology 2Findings Conclusions 3Recommendations 4 This study source was downloaded by 100000839607278 from CourseHero com on 02 10 2022 00 44 22 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 111596398 Mini Marketing Research Paperdocx IntroductionOnline shopping has become a popular way of shopping for consumers There is increasing number of online buyers during the COVID 19 pandemicbecause it is more convenience safe time saving and lesstransportation expenses to shop online According to study the maininfluencing factors for online shopping are availability low prices promotions comparisons customer service user friendly time andvariety to choose from Jadhav and Khanna 2016 These influencingfactors help the consumers to be wise in decision making such aschoosing the best product trusting the seller paying online and more There s many official websites and mobile apps like Shopee and Lazada which offer variety of products online like shoe apparel modernappliances accessories make ups and more According to Holmes 2008 advertising means The activity ofattracting public attention to a product or business as by paidannouncements in the print broadcast or electronic media Advertisement is the main factor that affects the buying behavior of anindividual like comparing two 2 products and choosing what s best Despite of the advantages some consumers find online shopping riskyand not trustworthy because they did not know what the products looklike in real life if it has same features size color quality andshape like in advertisement So some prefer buying branded products anddepend their buying decision to the feedback of others This study aims to investigate ABM 11 Blance s online buyers behavior towards online shopping which further examines various factorsaffecting their buying decision The purpose of the research was to findout the problems that the students face during their shopping throughonline app or website Provide solutions ideas and effective techniquesin online shopping 1 This study source was downloaded by 100000839607278 from CourseHero com on 02 10 2022 00 44 22 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 111596398 Mini Marketing Research Paperdocx Statement of the ProblemGeneral Problem This study wants to know the perception of the studentsof ABM 11 Blance to online shopping Specific Problem What are the steps that the students of ABM 11 Blancetake to online shopping What does the students of ABM 11 Blance like aboutonline shopping Research Objectives To access the 11 ABM Blance Students knowledge and practice of online shopping services To identify the barriers and concerns associated with online shopping and its uptake To assess awareness and perception of the students regarding onlineshopping To know what are the alternative way to online shopping Address the challenges that most of the students experience during online shopping To know the advantages disadvantages and benefits of online shopping to students Research MethodologyThis study focuses on understanding the perception of 11 ABM Blance about the online shopping Research Design The research design being used in this study is phenomenology Phenomenology is seeking for the individual s point of view such as their reactions perception and feelings Respondents of the Study Table 1 Shows the distribution of respondents students of the study GenderI Male624 Female1976 TOTAL25100 Legend I Frequency PercentageThe respondents of the study were twenty five 25 students of 11 ABM Blance at San Rafael National High School 2 This study source was downloaded by 100000839607278 from CourseHero com on 02 10 2022 00 44 22 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 111596398 Mini Marketing Research Paperdocx Instrument of the Study In this part the research instruments that are being identified are the research questionnaires and the data base which enable one respondent to easily understand the questions This survey focused on the perception of a student to an online shop Through the use of this however researcher will know which shop makes them satisfied so that theanswer is clear Findings Conclusions1 Most of the students from Grade 11 ABM Blance prefer online shopping because it is easier and more convenience compares to physical shopping 2 The payment method that they prefer is Cash on Delivery because it is the safest payment option 3 The challenges that people dealing with online shopping is Lack of products they want and they trusted the most that results to finding similar product but different online shop 4 Sometimes the product or item is quickly selling out or sold out especially when the product or item has good quality and good costumer s feedback 5 Mostly of the respondents choose to buy product when it is sale like in 6 6 Midyear Sale June 6 7 7 8 8 and up to 12 12 or Christmas Sale because they can buy the products at a cheaper price 6 The students who use app like Shopee usually play games to win a voucher and collect coins It also helps them to decrease the expenses in online shopping 7 Sometimes the most breaking part of online shopping is receiving adamaged product But some of the students accept it and understand the situation because sometimes the problem is on delivery due to unexpected accidents 8 Majority of the students buy the products that most of the social media influencer recommend and results in buying a good quality product This proves that social media influencers really have a huge impact or influence in the student s buying behavior online 3 This study source was downloaded by 100000839607278 from CourseHero com on 02 10 2022 00 44 22 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 111596398 Mini Marketing Research Paperdocx Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org Recommendations1 Students in 11 ABM Blance should purchase the product online because beside from it is more convenience it is also the safer way to shop in our current situation 2 They should understand the

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