This study source was downloaded by 100000823811085 from CourseHero com on 03 04 2022 22 44 46 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 59440257 Group1 BCAdocx Decision Making Report on Managing diversity at Spencer Owens and Co CaseSubmitted To Prof Ritesh Haldankar Assistant Professor SBM NMIMS MumbaiSubmitted By Group 1NameSAP IDRoll No Harsh Agarwal80101190018C001Prateek Chandrasekara80101190150C010Lekha Chopra80101190171C011Riddhi Karkera80101190351C030Shaurya Nigam80101190499C040Divyanshu Shaily80101190647C050Parth Thakkar80101190737C060March 15 2020Letter of Transmittal This study source was downloaded by 100000823811085 from CourseHero com on 03 04 2022 22 44 46 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 59440257 Group1 BCAdocx To Prof Ritesh HaldankarFrom Group 1Terms of Reference This report encloses the Situational Analysis Recommendations and Action Plan for Managing Diversity at Spencer OwensCase Key Recommendation A state of urgency should be created at Spencer Owensand team building tasks should be conducted immediately Situational Analysis This study source was downloaded by 100000823811085 from CourseHero com on 03 04 2022 22 44 46 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 59440257 Group1 BCAdocx Spencer Owens and Co is a consulting firm which at the moment isexperiencing growing friction around race relations in their company Employees of color are bringing up charges of racism against the Whites Thefrequency of complaints has also increased two fold High potential employeesof color have resigned The Manger had reinstituted sensitivity training butvery few people attended it Spencer Owens have hired our consulting team tostudy firm s race and gender relations and suggest corrective strategy The teaminterviewed a few employees and came across numerous concerns like Whitesacknowledging that the diversity program was affecting the quality of work andpeople of color were critical of the affirmative action program At the sametime male managers believe that newer employees were undermining thetraditional strength in hardcore quantitative analysis Employees of color thinkthat their ideas are routinely disregarded To gain a better understanding of howwidespread these attitudes and perceptions were our team had administered acompany wide survey based on the varied points of view of employees Afterthorough analysis of the survey the team concludes that racialism situation isgrave at Spencer Owens due to misunderstandings and miscommunicationamongst different ethnic groups The team proposes to create a state of urgencyregarding the issue in the company and start conducting team building activitiesat all levels This study source was downloaded by 100000823811085 from CourseHero com on 03 04 2022 22 44 46 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 59440257 Group1 BCAdocx RecommendationBased on the analysis presented a state of urgency should be created at SpencerOwens and Co regarding the issue at hand and team building exercises inoffice and after office hours should be conducted immediately This study source was downloaded by 100000823811085 from CourseHero com on 03 04 2022 22 44 46 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 59440257 Group1 BCAdocx Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org Action PlanShort Term Action Plan For next One Year 1 Bring the topic on the table and create a forum for discussion about theproblem 2 Start a Buddy Project System where employees from different ethnicitiesare made to come and work together on an individual basis Eachemployee is assigned a buddy who s cultural and ethnicity is entirelydifferent from his hers 3 Engage employees in team building activities where they are given teamtargets to complete 4 Conducting Inter Team Sports Soccer Baseball Basketball everyweekend 5 Conducting events like Casual Fridays Potluck and cultural parties everymonth to make employees familiar with other cultures Long Term Action Plan After One Year 1 Based on the results of Short Term Action Plan decide whether the teambuilding exercises should be improvised or discontinued 2 Closely monitor if there are any improvements If the response has beenpositive then continue with team building exercises and if the responsehas been negative then conduct a one on one meeting with all the diversegroups in all different departments
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