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This study source was downloaded by 100000821499191 from CourseHero com on 02 28 2022 09 46 10 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 36067277 3 Need Theory Anne Roedocx NEED THEORYObjectives To know the factors that influences in choosing a career To recognize the value of family relationship in career development To describe and identify the different occupational groups and levels classified byRoe by engaging in a fun activity Anne Roe 1904 1991 was born and raised in Denver Colorado upon graduating from the University of Denver she attended Columbia University and worked in the office of Edward Lee Thorndike the publication of The Psychology of Occupations would introduce Roe s theory of personality development and career choice her most enduring scientific contribution Roe had no experience of careers or vocational guidance and counseling but was originally interested in personality theory and occupational classification Roe 1956 1957 This study source was downloaded by 100000821499191 from CourseHero com on 02 28 2022 09 46 10 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 36067277 3 Need Theory Anne Roedocx Topic Proper Psychodynamic approach in the sense that Roe s theory posits that early experiences particularly those occurring in the family can be a determining factor in the career choice development in fact she classified 3 types of parental attitudes that will be discussed later Roe s Theory focuses on the relationship between occupational choice and personality She pointed out that the personality traits of an individual influences career choices As she also pointed out that the role of occupation in our life has much broader psychological importance because the greater part of an adult life is devoted to his her occupation Inspired by Maslow s hierarchy of needs Roe was not satisfied with existing classification systems for occupations thus she set out to develop an eight by six classification system with eight categories of occupations service business contact organization technology outdoor science general culture and arts and entertainment and six levels professional and managerial levels 1 and 2 semiprofessional and small business level 3 skilled level 4 semiskilled level 5 and unskilled level 6 People either have an orientation toward or away from people Roe pointed out that in order to understand the role of occupation in the life of an individual we must first understand the needs of an individual Following Maslow s hierarchy of needs Roe proposed seven needs This study source was downloaded by 100000821499191 from CourseHero com on 02 28 2022 09 46 10 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 36067277 3 Need Theory Anne Roedocx 1 Physiological needs2 Safety needs3 Need for belongingness and love4 Need for importance respect self esteem and independence 5 Need for information 6 Need for beauty 7 Need for self actualization Maslow s hierarchy of needs concept assumes that lower level needs must be satis edor at least relatively satis ed before higher level needs become motivators And that people are continually motivated by one need or another When one need is satis ed it ordinarily loses its motivational power and is then replaced by another need For example as long as people s hunger needs are frustrated they will strive for food but when they do have enough to eat they move on to other needs such as safety friendship and self worth Maslow noted that the order of needs might be flexible based on external circumstances or individual differences For example he notes that for some This study source was downloaded by 100000821499191 from CourseHero com on 02 28 2022 09 46 10 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 36067277 3 Need Theory Anne Roedocx individuals the need for self esteem is more important than the need for love Even though needs are generally satis ed in the hierarchical order occasionally they are reversed Needs are interdependent and overlappingRoe quoted There is no single situation which is potentially so capable of giving some satisfaction at all levels of basic needs as is the occupation Ex Through our jobs we can satisfy our physiological needs such as food and drink This is also true for the safety needs because of our jobs one can provide shelter and clothes we can rent or buy a house medications for our diseases It can also provide us safety in a long range sense like pensions and savings Occupations as a source of need satisfaction are of extreme importance Our needs aresatisfied of the job career we have Possible variations of need patterns include the following 1 Needs satisfied routinely do not become unconscious motivators 2 Needs which are minimally satisfied will of lower order prevent the appearance of higher needs will become dominant motivators 3 Needs which are satisfied but only after some delay will become unconscious and motivator depending on the degree of satisfaction felt Another thing Roe proposed that the emotional climate in the home that is the relationship between parent and child can be a determining factor in the career choice and development According to Roe there are three types of parental attitudes 1 Emotional concentration on the child Over protective Warm Indulgent full and quick satisfaction of child s lower needs but may hesitate in gratifying higher order needs of love and esteem Over demanding cold push to achieve high standards gratifies physical needs promptly and adequately but lay down conditions of conformity to their values and social achievement in return for the loveoffered to the child2 Avoidance of the child Rejection cold hostile critical Neglect minimum of care lack of affection 3 Acceptance of the child Casual acceptance indulgent few rules mildly affectionate Loving acceptance warm helpful loving attention This study source was downloaded by 100000821499191 from CourseHero com on 02 28 2022 09 46 10 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 36067277 3 Need Theory Anne Roedocx Accepting types of parents will satisfy their children s needs at most levels in different ways and in varying degrees The personality that develops in children of accepting parents is capable of seeking gratification of needs at all levels Children having Concentration parents may continue to need focus from people as they move into the adult world Children from Avoidance parents may be loners comparatively speaking more time with things not people People from Acceptance parents may be more interested in people not data or

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Cebu Normal University PSYCH 107 - Need Theory: Psychodynamic Theory of Anne Roe

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