This study source was downloaded by 100000880601482 from CourseHero com on 02 18 2024 05 13 20 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 63712005 REED LONG QUIZdocx REED1 The Church teaches that workers have the right to 2 TO BE A MEMBER OF A UNION 2 This is an example of a synodal pronouncement 42 JUSTICE IN THE WORLD 3 The kingly ministry of Jesus and the Church means SERVICE FOR THE INTEGRAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT4 Work is necessary because it is for 27 48 SELF PRESERVATION5 This encyclical emphasizes that fighting for justice and liberation constitute essential elementof Christian evangelization EVANGELII NUNTIANDI6 Voters selling their votes with the thought that politics is hopeless is an example of 52 SINFUL SITUATION7 Social sin can be caused and perpetuated by THE WIDENING GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR8 Leaving the country to settle in another shows our right to 1 EMIGRATE9 Martial Law is an example of a 60 SINFUL STRUCTURE10 The right includes the right to become active participant in public affairs particularly in matters regarding laws and policies of the state RIGHT IN THE POLITICAL ORDER11 This encyclical exposed the errors of communism DIVINI REDEMPTORIS12 Private property makes it possible for an ordinary citizen to provide for the substance and upbringing of those under his care This basis for the right to private property speaks of 14 This study source was downloaded by 100000880601482 from CourseHero com on 02 18 2024 05 13 20 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 63712005 REED LONG QUIZdocx THE FULFILLMENT OF ONE S DUTIES13 It is the power or the institution meant for the enrichment and promotion of those over whom it is exercised POLITICAL AUTHORITY 14 It is an encyclical that evaluates the 100 years after rerum Novarum CENTESIMUS ANNUS15 Human person s actions are expressions of his herself a product of his her choices and decisions This demands him her to be FREE16 The catholic church teaches the following except 3 A BABY BORN INTO A RICH FAMILY INHERITS THE SOCIAL SIN OF THE PARENTS17 This step tries to see the role of my faith as a Christian in dealing with the social problems THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION 18 The particularistic value of the Filipinos is reflected on the following except 8 PASIKATAN 19 The following are true about Kingdom of God except IT IS TO EXPERIENCE HEAVEN AFTER OUR LIFE ON EARTH20 Through work we commit ourselves not only for own sake but also for and with others WORK AS PERSONAL21 The following belong to the three forms of association except CLASS SECTION22 The foundation of catholic social teaching is that each of us is made in God s image the following is its meaning excpect 55 WE ARE PHYSICALLY LIKE GOD 23 It is an example of an ecumenical council pronouncement 49 GAUDUM ET SPES24 This is a principle that speaks of the state s intervention in the matters which the individual citizens can no longer do for themselves 26 PRINCIPLE OF SUBSIDIARITY This study source was downloaded by 100000880601482 from CourseHero com on 02 18 2024 05 13 20 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 63712005 REED LONG QUIZdocx 25 IT is the actual living out of more of one s mission to God and to the society 5 PLANNING ACTION 26 The prophetic ministry of Jesus and the Church means 35 PROCLAMATION OF PEACE27 Culture of graft and corruption both in the government and in the private sector are example of 56 SINFUL SITUATION28 Right to a decent existence includes the right to LIFE29 In ecclesia in Asia 34 WORKERS30 Our fallen nature confirms the reality of 58 SIN 31 To be a community minded means MINDFUL OF OTHER S CONDITION 32 The human person as a body and soul is a whole This means that s he is 23 SELF SUBSISTENT 33 Which among the following cultural values is a hindrance to change 51 MEDIOCRITY SELFISH INTERESRS AND HELPLESSNESS34 Which of the following respond to the cause of the problem SOCIAL ACTION 35 Tax evasion is an example of SINFUL SITUATION36 It is the analysis of the situation in the light of one s faith THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION37 Jesus mission is related to socio economic concerns by the fact that HE CRITICIZED CULTIC WORSHIP DIVORCE FROM LOVE OF GOD AND NEIGHBHOR He criticized the legalistic understanding 38 The human rights given by God are 45 This study source was downloaded by 100000880601482 from CourseHero com on 02 18 2024 05 13 20 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 63712005 REED LONG QUIZdocx INALIENABLE 39 Every person needs to belong because every human is 29 SOCIAL BY NATURE40 Man s inner longing to be in touched with the sacred is equated with 33 HIS HER BEING A PILGRIM ON EARTH 41 Social analysis as a tool for social transformation is not design to 30 GIVE SOLUTION TO A SOCIAL PROBLEM42 The following describes spirituality except IT IS BEING ACTIVE WITH CHURCH 43 This right includes the right to choose freely the state of life which one prefers RIGHT TO CHOOSE ONE S WAY OF LIFE 44 The characteristic of following Jesus in mission urges to work for justice LISTENS TO AND HEEDS GOD S WORDS45 Pacem in Terris is the magna carta of HUMAN RIGHTS46 According to PCP II one of the greatest injustices of the contemporary world consist precisely in this POOR DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS SERVICES ORIGINALLY INTENDED FOR ALL47 This right includes the right to a good name and honor RIGHT TO A DECENT EXISTENCE 48 If work is personal 21 HUMAN PERSON AS A WORKER49 The ability of the human person is the deepest ground 46 ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE50 This right includes the right to just wage and private property 36 RIGHT PERTAINING TO ECONOMIC LIFE 51 The catholic church teaches the following except THE POOR THEMSELVES CAUSE THE WIDENING GAP BETWEEN THEM AND THE RICH52 Those who mock the poor insult their maker This study source was downloaded by 100000880601482 from CourseHero com on 02 18 2024 05 13 20 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 63712005 REED LONG QUIZdocx PROV 17 5 53 The basis of the fundamental equality of all is based on the following except 22 DIGNITY 54 Not wanting to be somebody else is an expression of one s acceptance of his 15 INDIVIDUALITY 55 It is the true and best description of conversion 20 IT IS A PROFOUND TRANSFORMATION 56 To be an alive person means 50 BEING AWARE OF THE SITUATION57 It is the Pastoral constitution on the church in the modern world 57 GAUDIUM ET SPES58 This step brings into realization the product of social analysis and Biblical Reflection THEOLOGICAL59 Passivity and lack of initiative among the Filipino could
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