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This study source was downloaded by 100000824172524 from CourseHero com on 05 02 2023 08 54 52 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 146047896 VALBUENA Activity 4 Photo Collage Module 4pdf Julia Bianca O Valbuena May 03 2022 3108 GRIZAL THE LIFE AND WORKS OF RIZAL Activity 4 Photo Collage Module 4 ACTIVITY 4 Photo Collage Instructions Read and analyze the text of Jose Rizal s The Philippines A Century Hence Then extract at least 5 passages and evaluate the relevance of the passage in the current situation of the Philippines Write your answer in the following template given In the last column show your proof or evidence through a Photo collage PASSAGE Agree Disagree Proof Evidence Picture Collage 1 Will the Philippines Islands continue to be a Spanish Colony if so what kind of colony with or without autonomy Disagree This study source was downloaded by 100000824172524 from CourseHero com on 05 02 2023 08 54 52 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 146047896 VALBUENA Activity 4 Photo Collage Module 4pdf 2 The Filipinos embraces civilization and lives and thrives in every clime in contact with every people Agree 3 Then began a new era for the Filipinos They gradually lost the ancient traditions their recollections they forgot their writings their songs their poetry their laws in order to learn by heart other doctrines which they did not understand other ethics other tastes different from those inspired I their race by their climate and their way of thinking Then there was a falling off they were lowered in their own eyes they became ashamed of what was distinctively Agree This study source was downloaded by 100000824172524 from CourseHero com on 05 02 2023 08 54 52 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 146047896 VALBUENA Activity 4 Photo Collage Module 4pdf their own in order to admire and praise what was foreign and incomprehensible their spirit was broken and the acquiesced 4 But we wish to be loyal to the government and we are pointing out to it the road that appears best to us so that its efforts may not come to grief so that discontent may disappear Disagree This study source was downloaded by 100000824172524 from CourseHero com on 05 02 2023 08 54 52 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 146047896 VALBUENA Activity 4 Photo Collage Module 4pdf 5 But nothing of this kind can happen The menace is that when the education and liberty necessary to human existence are denied by Spain to the Filipinos the they will seek enlightment abroad behind the mother country s back or they will secure by hook or by crook some advantages in their own country with the result that the opposition od purblind and paretic politicians will not only futile but even prejudicial because it will convert motives for love and gratitude into resentment and hatred Agree This study source was downloaded by 100000824172524 from CourseHero com on 05 02 2023 08 54 52 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 146047896 VALBUENA Activity 4 Photo Collage Module 4pdf Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org

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